The comment was in reference to him being injured all the time. Holy Hell. I couldn't care less what ended Jimmy's career. He sucked. His behavior was what got him more attention along with his injuries rather than his abilities. Never liked him EVER as a player.
Big Ben has lacked the quickness he had before his motorcycle accident. He is NOT the same QB that he was.
Yes, I watched the game, painful as it was. Yes the Eagles blitzed. Seems the back-up quarterback was capable of getting rid of the ball just fine the short time he was in there.
If you are being blitzed ALL the time, wouldn't that warrant more screen passes or SOMETHING for Christ's sake? Sorry, he doesn't possess the quickness that he once did. He screwed his own career with a face-plant from his cycle joy riding whilst being cool.
Again, the comment was a comparrison of the injuries. I don't take a soft QB too well.
Why does he insist of playing with a hurt shoulder? Why did he insist on starting a season the last time after his cycle accident and two weeks or so after having his appendix removed? Why? Because he's a man and has an insatiable ego it seems. Sorry, as the team leader on the field, he should have been quicker. He was able to do it at the beginning of his career.
Did I mention I always hated Jimmy M.? :loser: Being a media ***** was all he was really good at besides being soft.
Anyone else happy about Favre losing again besides me?