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OT: This is crazy!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Way to be slow I posted this about an hour ago...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was gonna post this too but figured I'd get cited for trolling, lol


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ohh god silly me for not reading and memorizing every post you make before i see something crazy online and come to stratics to mention it.

ps i looked at your thread, and it sucks compared to mine.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How was I supposed to out-post you? School lets out before work, usually :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I call bull****,

I wanna see the guy manage all the characters at once, fluently.

Skylark SP

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wanna see the guy manage all the characters at once, fluently.
I am certainly no expert on this, but I have read about the subject purely from interest from a technical standpoint. The way it works is the person has to carefully set up macros for each char/account, bind them to keys, then use a 3rd party program to manage the input. Blizzard has made it clear that while automating gameplay fully is illegal, simply using 3rd party tools/add ons to clone signals created by a real person at the controls, and sending to multiple instances, is legal. In practice it really doesn't work at all like independent minds adapting to a situation and adjusting, and the more instances going at the same time, the easier it can get messed up especially in combat formation. Having said that, it requires a good memory on the part of the person doing the controls because they must be able to quickly recall the key bindings they have created for each class, and coordinate it all. Planned out carefully, and I have no doubt a frea- uh I mean determined indivdual who would go to such extremes would spend a great deal of time planning, I am sure the end result is a decently functional if not stellar performing raid/group system.

He may have 36 accounts to maximize classes & templates to switch out easier but I really don't know why he would need to have more than 25 active at a time for raids as that is the group limit on most of the ones people bother with now (old ones have 40 max). Since to stay "legal" he needs to be supplying all the input, unless he is running the same raid instance on multiple realms in which case his input would coordinate properly for them all, it wouldn't seem workable to have them all running simultaneously.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I call bull****,

I wanna see the guy manage all the characters at once, fluently.
As Skylark has stated, there are key-clone programs out there that can make identical target and button commands. Whether or not this particular picture is legit, multi account/box gameplay is completely doable, and legal, provided you have the hardware to support running x-amount of instances of WoW.

Most of the time it is all the same class and spec, so having to remember separate key-bindings is reserved for those that are brave enough to try and manage multiple classes at once.

It's not too fun being on the receiving end of it, but seeing 5+ of any caster class mow down somebody in less than a second is pretty hilarious.

Actually, if you want to see it for yourself, try looking on Youtube for "Multi Box Shamans" and you'll get a little glimpse of the horror.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
*shakes head* I can't run one character well.