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OT - Football


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For the first time ever, I'm joining a Super Bowl contest with my co-workers because someone was smack-talking the Cowboys (been a fan since I was a little girl).

So, to put my money where my mouth is.... I'm joining...

However, I do NOT follow football! You know, I'm one of those superbowl fans that yells and screams and makes steaks... so long as the Eagles are not playing (I HATE the Eagles on a personal level that franchise just get me.....)

But I digress...

I know nothing about stats - so do any of you have some tips on how the hookey to figure out my picks? I'm already picking Cowboys this weekend... and I think the Packers in the NFC side, but on the AFC I'm totally lost....


Ken of Napa

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As much as I hate to admit it, I believe the best team this year is the San Diego Chargers.

This weekend my money is on:
New England and Cincinniati (very hesitantly) on the AFC side.
Dallas and Grean Bay (very hesitantly) on the NFC side.

That being said, the footbal pool I was in the year had 196 people in it. I came in 68th. Soooo.... obviously I wasn't very good at picking the winners this year ;)

What makes it worse is, my Brother won it this year and my nephew won it last year. Oh well, that makes next year my turn ;)


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I did hear about how badly the Bengals lost to the Jets... a few of the guys here lost some serious money on that game. Also, looking historically, Cincinnati has always choked on big games. I really don't see the bengals moving forward...

I turned in my picks...

Jets & Pats but they will both lose to the Colts & Chargers who will duke it out for the bowl... with the chargers winning

Cowboys & Packers, then on to Saints and Cowboys with the Cowboys playing in the bowl.

Yeah, the Vikings are a good team, but the Cowboys have the hutzpah to take it all the way.

Now.. in the bowl... Chargers & Cowboys..... hmmm.....

Here, I will follow my heart and say Cowboys. ^.^

So that's what I turned in... COWBOYS FTW!!!

Sir Kelek

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I hate the Cowboys on a personal level...... They are notorious for choking in big games the past 10 years and Tony Romo.....I hate him for having had sex with Jessica Simpson AND Carrie Underwood! He pisses me off....

Sir Kelek

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To add... I am a die hard Raiders fan, always have been so it kills me a little inside to say this.... The Chargers WILL be in superbowl.......

Gus of Llanowar

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Dallas cant go through new orleans and win their second in a row.....it just wont happen.
but before that can even happen dallas has to win this game then the minnesota game then new orleans. no amount of blackrock could blow Dallas past New Orleans a second time.......u know im just saying


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I know nothing about sports either Kirthag. So I got no advise for you but I will say this about the Superbowl-They'd do better not to put Britney Spears in another commercial this year. Otherwise my head might explode.

Britney spears says: "No beer before noon while you're pregnant", "If potty training is too hard, just put your baby in a dress and let him go wherever", "If you give baby some of mommies pills, make sure you cut those pills in HALF", "There are gonna be times you forget things, your keys, your mexican gardners name, your babies...but make sure that when you forget you take a picture or some other sob will, better not be Perez darlin', better not be Perez." - Paperlillies

Sir Kelek

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I think I love you Prettymel.... AND Gus, there is noway Dallas will get past the Saints again.... I really want the Vikes and Chargers, even tho SD makes me wanna throw up in my mouth when I see them play...

Sir Kelek

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AND DID I MENTION ROMO HAD SEX WITH TWO NOT ONE, BUT TWO!! Of the hottest chicks and dumped them both....ugh...


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I think I love you Prettymel.... AND Gus, there is noway Dallas will get past the Saints again.... I really want the Vikes and Chargers, even tho SD makes me wanna throw up in my mouth when I see them play...
I am not a tease, simply a reminder of what you cannot have :heart:


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I really think the Saints & Cowboys game will be good, and close. But really now... them Texans got a knack and yes, I see them sending the saints marching back to 'nawlins!

what will also be a really good game will be the Colts & Chargers. Altho one of my friends is laying his money on the Pats & Colts...

but... I turned my picks in... and will bust out my Cowboys regalia and cheer them as if I were one of their famous cheerleaders!

but hands down... the CBs will wipe the eagles off the map. muwaahaahaa!

Sir Kelek

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Cowgirls will choke! Mark my words!!! Romo always blows the meaningful games.... GO VIKES! and Prettymel...... ouch lol

Gus of Llanowar

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I am not a tease, simply a reminder of what you cannot have :heart:
This sounds like a statement from someone in S&M. And if she is Kelek keep your head up she'll give in eventually and if not then i can point you in the direction of a good imitation :thumbup:

Kirthag the Saints are gonna "Brees" through the playoffs and the memory of the Cowboys beating the Eagles are gonna seem like something from a history book; which reminds me thats what the cowboys franchise is lost in history.


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This sounds like a statement from someone in S&M. And if she is Kelek keep your head up she'll give in eventually and if not then i can point you in the direction of a good imitation :thumbup:

Kirthag the Saints are gonna "Brees" through the playoffs and the memory of the Cowboys beating the Eagles are gonna seem like something from a history book; which reminds me thats what the cowboys franchise is lost in history.
I am not in S&M that is a creepy guild name....sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains scare the crap out of me. And no, I wont give in, game geeks don't interest me....I prefer real geeks.


Slightly Crazed
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Detroit Lions, Wooohooo!!!!

I know, I know but I'm living in Michigan atm what can you do? lol

(I prefer NASCAR anyway)


Bengals looked horrible. Cowboys are putting the smack down on the eagles. Eagles looked so bad in first half I thought the boys were playing a Div 2 college team.


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I am so disgusted with the Pats.... gawd!

Richard Pryor

Apparently someone's a cowboy hater...

I'm pulling for the Saints - so much so that if it comes down to a Cowboys/Saints Championship, I'll root against the Cowboys. Oh, and Brees got hosed for MVP this year. What Manning did with those rookie recievers was impressive, but Brees has brought legitimacy to the Saints organization.

five oclock

Its going to be the cowboys and the colts at the big one!! Colts will win btw by hrm...13.

Gus of Llanowar

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Its going to be the cowboys and the colts at the big one!! Colts will win btw by hrm...13.
Five o clock you must be lost in Margaretiville if you think the cowboys could get a pass through the Superdome a 2nd time.......even no one in Vegas would be stuborn enough to to beleive they will. Notice Richard Pryor agrees with me. Not even George Carlin argued with him.

Sir Kelek

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Vikes are going to be awfully hard to beat in a playoff game in the dome for sure!

Richard Pryor

"Notice Richard Pryor agrees with me. Not even George Carlin argued with him."

I don't know if I agree with you. I'm just saying I'll be rooting for the Saints. New Orleans needs a win.


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Cowboys FTW!

The Cowboys game this weekend with the Vikings is gonna be good... too bad I'm &^%%^$! working. :(