I am sorry for the non UO related post, yet again but I just had to share another bit of good news. After everything in my life seemingly falling down around my head and my sense of security falling apart ... in addition to getting my GED ... I finally got, what I consider to be, a DREAM JOB! I worked my ass off to get this job and kept pestering and hounding the company letting them know how badly I wanted it, today they finally hired me!!! YAY!!!! It's $24,000 a year to start which, I know, doesn't seem like much to a lot of people but for a 25 year old college drop out in southern Utah that's like ... unheard of!!! And it's in a field I've always wanted to be in ... computer technology and web design!!!! I'm so excited I could just scream!
Thanks for letting me get it all out, I feel better now.
Thanks for letting me get it all out, I feel better now.