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OT: Clash of the Titans


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Yeah, I remember the original... we went to see it at the drive in and it was so muggy we all sat outside on blankets and shared our sodas with neighboring cars.

This is grittier, more "real" and DAYUM!!!! You see the TEETH on that kraken?!?!? What kinda tooth brush do you think he uses?!?

five oclock

I really want to see this movie....Who wants to camp out with me???

The only problem I have is this:

The original was SO bad..So cheesy..It was GREAT!!! I know I just watched it again about a month ago. Very bad..But so dang good. Just had that feeling....Can't explain it but if ya seen the original ya know what I mean. Kinda like the original Star wars versus the new star wars....

This one looks more seriously and has great special effects...BUT will it have that feeling.

Still tho...I can't wait till it comes out!!!!!! looks freaking amazing!!!

As for that kraken...it uses a BIG toothbrush!! Just ask Otis..He uses the same one... hence how hes able to PK..Bad breath FTW :p


as usual friend, I'm with you on the movie, but the original was classic, hard to find on dvd, took awhile to get on netflix, mainly to find the older claymation type of movies loved those as aproduct of the 60's those movies rocked saw ulyses fight clunky skeletons alot as akid thought it was funny they stabbed things with no insides :) my dad alwYS SAID STAB HELL JUST SWAT WITH THE SWORD fight over


Former Stratics Publisher
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Watched the preview and all I can say is, "Gritty."

Not in a bad way.. but... kinda like Clint Eastwood in The Good, The Bad, the Ugly... you know... GRITTY!

Yeah, the classic was beyond cheesy - lol! We were talking about it here at work this morning and watching the trailers. One of the guys on my staff said it right, "This ain't your Mamma's titans!"

Of course.. the guy was talking to another 20-something kid...

geez.. i feel old again.

five oclock

Yea well an EM signed my bulletin board because he likes my house....now who wants to drink to that

My friend I will drink to that!!!

Salya Sin

i think im going to start with an appetizer of percy jackson and the olympians then move on to COT.
YAY! I watched the preview of Percy Jackson.... I want to see that movie!

And I LOVED the original Clash of the Titans... I can remember watching it when I was a kid... that and Heavy Metal, The Dark Crystal, and Labyrinth. I'm going to be a bit peeved if they screw up with the new Clash... some things just don't need to be remade.

Gus of Llanowar

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
YAY! I watched the preview of Percy Jackson.... I want to see that movie!

And I LOVED the original Clash of the Titans... I can remember watching it when I was a kid... that and Heavy Metal, The Dark Crystal, and Labyrinth. I'm going to be a bit peeved if they screw up with the new Clash... some things just don't need to be remade.
Did you read the Percy books? They were neat and i think im gonn enjoy the movies........Since they redid CoT i wonder if they will give David Bowe a reprive in Labryrinth also?????

Salya Sin

Did you read the Percy books? They were neat and i think im gonn enjoy the movies........Since they redid CoT i wonder if they will give David Bowe a reprive in Labryrinth also?????
I've read one... but I can't remember which one it was...

And god no! Have you seen Bowie lately? I don't think he could pull that one off again... My kids LOVE that movie. I would like to see them redo it though. I wonder if that would be sacrilegious to Henson or not?

five oclock

I wonder if that would be sacrilegious to Henson or not?[/QUOTE]

Yes. Yes it would be. Some movies are just NOT meant to be remade ;D

Salya Sin

Yes. Yes it would be. Some movies are just NOT meant to be remade ;D

Yes. Yes it would be. Some movies are just NOT meant to be remade ;D[/quote]

At least Bowie and Connelly didn't do what Cruise did and deny they ever made the movie. Legend was great when I was a kid... and I just wanted to slap Tom's smug face for being embarrassed by it. I can't stand him... and he was a HORRID Lestat.

But yeah... they would just screw it up if they remade it. That's what I'm worried about with the Clash of the Titans...

Salya Sin

I own the special edition with the original and theatrical release... not too wild about the singing parts of the original... but I LOVE the extended scene when he first meets Honeythorn... :)