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[Auction] Orcish Training Stone


Stratics Veteran
Selling new event item from LS item located on LS not certain the exact number of items dropped but cant be more than (10), also the item acts just like an ask and answer ball :)

Buy out 150m....min bid of 50m auction runs until 2/14/2012 at 6 pm CST enjoy :)




Take better Pictures... I own one. Here's a better img. Also we need to get an accurate count. If 10 popped more would have turned up. Also it acts the same way as the Crystal Ball of Knowledge. Not the Ask and Answer.
Edit: Re-edited my image to show more details.




20 given out.
Ty Manti, however how did you come by this information, because our EM's made sure NOT to tell us... even with repeated questioning.

(Note: While I am not questioning your knowledge of rares and the like, it sometimes seems like you pull these numbers out of thin air. As a collector it is in your best interest to get a good price on an item. Seeing as how our EM's were adamant about not giving us a total I would like to know how you come by such information.)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ty Manti, however how did you come by this information, because our EM's made sure NOT to tell us... even with repeated questioning.

(Note: While I am not questioning your knowledge of rares and the like, it sometimes seems like you pull these numbers out of thin air. As a collector it is in your best interest to get a good price on an item. Seeing as how our EM's were adamant about not giving us a total I would like to know how you come by such information.)

umm, not sure how to put it... they understand the importance of this list and its' accuracy so from time to time they'll send little birds to whisper the #s to me. :)
I am confident my list is 99.9% accurate and that nothing is pulled out of thin year. There are many ways I get the information.


umm, not sure how to put it... they understand the importance of this list and its' accuracy so from time to time they'll send little birds to whisper the #s to me. :)
I am confident my list is 99.9% accurate and that nothing is pulled out of thin year. There are many ways I get the information.
Ok Awesome Ty for the information!


Stratics Veteran
One you sir need to take better pics and if u cant handle mine than use the back arrow, on the subject of the item it has been sold for buyout thx