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Orange petals


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Twice now I have tried to grow orange pampas plants using seeds from plants that I had stored from before the plant changes. These plants had originally produced petals. But these last two times I have tried they didn't produce either seeds or petals. I've done this many many times before and never had a problem.

Has something changed?


Not that I know of. Could you give us more details? Screenshots of the resources/seeds/pollination screen, and the other screen? It's hard to say what might be the problem without know what you've done/not done.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh now I feel stupid :wall:

It's been quite awhile since I grew then and I guess I forgot one important thing. It's day 9 and they have each produced one petal and one seed. I just didn't remember that it took that long.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hehe, aww yeah. It does take a while. Gardening is not for the impatient! Which reminds me, I need to water plants! :)