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Open Book and Singing Ball

  • Thread starter California Rasin
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1

California Rasin

Both Items for sale are on Chesapeake. I came across a book that is open. I'm not sure if this is a server birth or not as the one listed in this forum is east/west and is supposed to be a server birth. I also have a singing ball for sale too. Feel free to post offers here. You can also ICQ me with your offers. 51011731.



California Rasin

I guess that would help. Chesapeake is the shard.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hi this is yanaki2, i am the official collector of open books and i am willing to offer my standard buy it now price of 18 mil on the book.

thanks and have a great day! :)

ohh and yes the book is a server birth

California Rasin

I will have to pass on that price for the book. I would like to have 30 for the book and from what I understand, the ball goes for around 100m. I would negotiate those prices down, just drop me a message here or on ICQ.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
okies your choice but id suggest you do more research on the book before assuming its worth that much, i can give you many many big collectors that will tell ya the same thing... aint worth more then 20, unless its not the standard open book.ie. smaller

California Rasin

I'll take your word for it, ICQ me and we will work out the details.

California Rasin

Both of these items were sold and will remain on the great community of Chesapeake!