I've been working on a blacksmith character and things were going great - max'd str, had decent int for mana, minimal dex. Unfortunately I forgot to lock dex before I started doing a whole bunch of smithing to raise my blacksmith skill. So now my dex is way too high and my int has dropped to the point that I barely have enough mana to cast a single recall spell.
Needless to say, I've locked str and pointed dex down to recover what I've lost mana-wise. However, I was wondering if there are some sure-fire ways to get int back up relatively quickly. I'm near the skill cap too, if that helps. Somewhere on Stratics I saw that herding can raise int - just being careful to lock the herding skill first. If that is a good solution, where can I get a shepherd's crook?
Thanks for the help!
Needless to say, I've locked str and pointed dex down to recover what I've lost mana-wise. However, I was wondering if there are some sure-fire ways to get int back up relatively quickly. I'm near the skill cap too, if that helps. Somewhere on Stratics I saw that herding can raise int - just being careful to lock the herding skill first. If that is a good solution, where can I get a shepherd's crook?
Thanks for the help!