Go kill sum stuff wif it see how he does
Take him to the swoooooooooop~!
[/ QUOTE ]I did! The New, Improved, Pumped Up Swoop on 'Roids will take down a super dragon without decent vetting, especially when its physical resist dropping special kicks into play. Bandies only vetting was fine and I deliberately set vetting to 110 which is as low as I have on any of my tamers.
As expected Changlings didn't dent Super Dragon, and though I killed a few, there's never a paragon changling when ya need one.
A wild Cu Sidhe chosen for it's mid-range stats/resists had me vetting & mage healing like mad.
*cough* Well, you know, gotta test drive the new critters and all...*cough*
In the freshly tamed state, these fellas really aren't going to be one-shot killing anything. Not joking here, the dex is 50-70 range and they whiff a whole lot of air before they actually hit anything.
Because I had no rune on Test Centre, I walked from the Isamu-Jima gate to the Fandancer Dojo.
On this little jaunt, we took down without trouble all the spawn along the main road including:- elite ninjas, Kaze Kemonos, lesser hiryu, tsuki wolves, all the first tier critters of the champ spawn area, dire wolves, evil mages, fandancers, and ronin. No rune beetles were immediately handy (though I want to test some of those before wipe) and rather than seek one out, I really wanted to hit the succubi so you can add all the usual Fandancer Dojo spawn to Level 2 succubi room where the flowers stealable spawns.
The lesser hiryu was bandage vettable, several fandancers at once had me vetting & mage healing, single ronins were no trouble at all.
Honestly, the most potentially worrying section of the jaunt was the Super Dragon being surrounded by hordes of lizardmen and purely because it lacked sufficient dex (61 at this point) to swiftly dispatch them. Unvetted, it would have died to 20-30 lizardmen slowly punching it to death.
The succubi were tough on the Super Dragon and a good many of them individually would have killed the untrained Super Dragon with ease. A whole lot of mage healing was going on there. Because I was working honor in case of future tames, in the end I discorded the succubi and that was actually a much fairer fight for the poor Super Dragon.
Dex gains very slowly, wrestling skill did gain at GM+ though magery remained at it's over GM cap.
As long as they are on TC1, I'll continue testing their strengths/weaknesses purely for my own interest (okay, and fun!)
Having worked with one for a good portion of the morning, I'm not seeing them as overpowered especially at the fresh/newly tamed state.
Work commitments mean I'm not able to spend much more time in game today, but will be back again this evening and hopefully they'll still be in Nico's stables on Test Centre 1 for further testing.
I'd really like to know how they stand up against another player. I've not actually found anyone willing to test either of my Super Dragons on a player versus dragon level yet. Hey! C'mon! I promise not to loot yer stuffs or trashtalk either!
Having road tested it on pvm only, for whatever it's worth, I firmly believe Super Dragon (especially in fresh/newly tamed state) will be pwnt by even the least talented pvpers equipped with a dragon slayer spellbook or weapon.
With Sarphus' suggestion of making ninja forms use a follower slot and a delay on pet summoning balls, I cannot see a tamer on foot with this thing trailing around behind as any real danger.