If any of them actually played what they've put in, this would not have happened. It's sort of like the quip that if Congress had to retire on Social Security, you'd better believe they'd fix it and fast.
There's a blacksmith crate that's now impossible to steal anything from. It's now spawned two medium-sized pieces of ore (14 stones) in addition to 25 spools of copper wire (125 stones) and a couple of hammers. Nothing else, meaning a refinement, can spawn until something is stolen.
The closest NPC is eight tiles away and now always calls guards. I've stolen plenty of hammers from this crate before, but now I'm always getting guard-killed. The ore and wire are too heavy to steal without being whacked. So this crate is completely worthless.
It's one thing to introduce something that gives Fel thieves something to do, but for bleep's sake, this is insulting. If the game had the least semblance of support, a GM would respond to a page and simply clear out the crate. I'm not going to hold my breath.