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One-Circle Alliance Underside

  • Thread starter Talon Silverhawk
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1
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Talon Silverhawk


First and foremost, I alone am responsible for my words. I do not speak on behalf of the K^S Guild. I speak with my own mind an on my own head be it. Read on..


The One-Circle Alliance set forth with a plan. An Alliance.. A One-Circle Alliance of many guilds. The Circle to represent a family of people and of guilds. It also represented protection. Protection in the form of numbers and a pool of people from which to draw in others that were of the PvP Mindset and those that wished to learn PvP. (Afterall.. for any 20+ PvM'ers..There is likely to be at least one PvP'er.) The Alliance was born as a way to combat champ spawn raiders and to eventually do everything in the game that the game had to offer. Felluca and Trammel rulesets. The One-Circle Alliance began with many rules. It also began with many rights to accompany those rules. It was to be a bastion of light and justice. Many guilds, including K^S in 2009, flocked to this banner of Democracy and Equaility. All governments are subject to decay however. Complacency eventually sets in whereas those that created the rules ignore them due to personal reasons.
I thus put forth this in regard to all of the above:

The One-Circle Alliance failed to uphold its own laws. Read on...
A Guild(s) being considered from removal from the Alliance had the right to appear before a tribune. The tribunal being a place where issues and grievences could be aired. It would consist of available Guild Leaders of the Member Guilds. In the cases that dealt with individual member(s) of the guild(s) then the Tribune would speak with the Guild Leader of that members guild(s) to speak of disciplining that person(s) or the need to remove that person(s) from the Guild(s) standing before the Tribune. In the cases that dealt with a Guild Leader refusing to discipline or remove a person(s) from their guild then there would be a call for a full hearing with all the Alliance Member Guild Leaders in attendance so as to resolve an issue or render a verdict.
K^S had not recieved this right under this principle. It was flatly denied. The guild was removed quietly one day and in direct violation of the articles of democracy and equality that all guilds within the One-Circle Alliance share. So much for the illusion that the One-Circle Alliance is a Democracy anymore.


I write this not for any response for I will not check for any. The Reasons? Someone will likely try to make this into a drama war. I will not participate in any drama war. I write this as a warning to other One-Circle Alliance Member Guilds.. Put one member in your guild that the 'Controller of the Alliance'
doesn't like and your guild gets kicked out. Remember the old adage about Absolute Power? Think on that. It affects your ability to chat with in-game friends and thus is used as a liability. They become missed company.I miss many. *I am sad* I have been sad during the 4 weeks since K^S was summarily booted
Silence, so as to avoid Drama, is the standing order my Guild Leader.
As such it is likely I will be kicked out. For I am not silent. That, however, is my failing and doesn't represent the guild.
I have stated that which needed to be said. Truth, Fact, and Warning.

Milamber of Catskills


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Milamber... while you may be shocked and appalled, I, my friend, am not.

By the actions of Pitr and his crew :)coco:) to me and my guild upon returning to UO; to his former friends that had stood by his side more often than not; to the other prominent guilds of the shard.... I am not surprised. This is our experience with him... and although some folks of GRI are really great people, eventually everyone "sees the light".

My interaction with K^S has been nothing short of phenomenal. Everyone I have met in that guild in game, however briefly, has been such fun to play with and get to know. I cannot claim to know all of you in depth, but I look forward to doing so. I enjoyed Rodan's visit on St. Patty's Day with us and I hope that next time he brings more K^S'ers with him --- that includes you Milamber! :hug:


I have run into quite a bit of folk in Catskills about this matter, more people than I care to remember.

The consenus seems to be the same as the people here. I have seen my own friends driven off as well. Seen some people move to diffrent shards to escape the non-sense.

But things have been well on our side, I don't think it could have been better. Me and the crew are enjoying ourselves very much.

Oh Mil, you should have used some of the smilies here, they are hilarious!

:yell: :scholar:


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Damn... does this mean we can't be the "bad" guys anymore? :sad4:


Crazed Zealot
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It's kind of like watching a train wreck.

I know what's going to happen next... yet I keep watching.


Me and Mil are too honorable to start a message board war or any drama.

The facts are posted here for anyone on Catskills to see.

How do you mean of a train wreck sir?

Black Sun

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You say you don't want drama or a board war, but what do you think the outcome of this thread would be? It's late for me now, but rest assured I will be reviewing this first thing tomorrow morning. Any problem posts will be dealt with.

So I lied, I wasn't tired after all.


Crazed Zealot
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This is a quote from the Stratics RoC.

A. Show respect at all times.

B. Help build the Community.
The success of our forums depends upon the quality posts of our participants. We are proud of the success of our forums and give our thanks to those who have chosen to make our forums their out-of-game home. To ensure continued success we are posting these guidelines so that all participants of the Stratics forums understand what is considered unacceptable behavior in the forums and can result in a temporary suspension or a permanent ban.

C. Personal attacks are prohibited.This specifically means any text/post that is blatantly attacking another person on or off the forum, especially in a personal way.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Posts removed, warnings/infractions issued, topic is closed. We've gone a good long while without this guild/alliance drama popping up in every other thread. Let's not start that again. Take the feuds and the quests for truth and justice in game. This sort of nonsense does ZERO to build community. All it does is make the entire shard look bad. It's a game, try not to take it so seriously.
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