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Once again..

  • Thread starter Pacific EM Feed
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Pacific EM Feed

Pacific folks,
It's been a pleasure being your EM for the past four years (except for the 3-month "retirement" in 2011)
I have decided to retire this time for good and have notified Mesanna as of yesterday.
"But why???" you might ask... Personal reasons, really. I loved being an EM, I loved working with Pacific, and to stop any rumormongering, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the EM team nor Mesanna. I was not forced out, I was not fired, I am leaving under my own choice and power.

The EM team and Mesanna is an incredible group of people to work with and they will continue to put out events for a long time ahead.
There's so many Pacific people I will always remember fondly. Their antics, their words, their actions, everything is what made being an EM so fun.
Remember me with kind words, stories and memories.
Off sailing I go into the sunset. (And no, I'm not going to crash Pacific trying to sail!)

Your former EM,
Cyno Razik
Pacific 2008-2013
I'll continue to play as a player. Who knows maybe next time a stranger says hello, it might be me.

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
aww... I honor thee Cyno! You are truly one of the best Ems ever! I have met many, oh ya many. You made events fun for me again, that red bear... never ever ever forget that the llamas love you! You never left anyone behind, thank you!

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
Hey Cyno, save travels to you and thank you very much for all you did for Pacific.

I hope Monty can handle us as you did but i am pretty sure about it - drop her a line pls if she Needs help, the community will be there ;)

Enjoy the game now, as we do!

All the best