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once again looking for advice


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would really like the Birds of Brit totem for my tamer. Originally thought turning in leather would be best way to god but man I am struggling.

Any suggestions on quickest most efficient way to gather the points needed ??

Thanks again.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This from Brit collections? If it is I would turn in boards or val ingots.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you don't have a miner or lumberjack you can always turn in reagents. Although you only get 1 point per reagent, if you find a faction town set-up for reagents you can buy the cheaper reagents for 2gp (if the finance minister has set the prices to the lowest level) and they also have double reagents per vendor. If everything works in your favor, you could buy enough reagents (550,000) for 1,100,000 gold in one night which is probably faster and easier than trying to collect and turn in 36,666 barbed leathers.


There are 4 Birds of Britannia talismans on vendors for 1.2mil each. Probably easier to farm gold and buy from vendor than deal with collecting all that crud. Check it out on searchuo.com

I bought mine too and have been happy ever since.