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[Auction] OLDER Giftboxes

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
the following items are for sale:
Old Giftboxes (various colors, see picture below) if you want to know a certain HUE ID, ask me.
each one give 6500 cleanup points!

Auction end:
Saturday 14th of January 2017 / 6pm eastern US - 10 Minute rule applies

Minimum increasements of bids:
Highbid is below 1m: minimum 100k increasements
Highbid is between 1m and 50m: minimum 1m increasements
Highbid is between 50m and 100m: minimum 5m increasements
Highbid is between 100m and 150m: minimum 10m increasements
Highbid is between 150m and 250m: minimum 15m increasements
Highbid is above 250m: minimum 25m increasements

RESERVE 500k ea (Happy 10th & Velvet) / 1m older colored

if you want to bid on a certain one: counting is starting each row on the left...
so for example: Row2 Box5 1m
