Hello everyone,
I’m an old vet returning to the game after a long absence, and holy crap have things changed. I played from 97-2001, and then briefly tried getting back into it around 2004, but ultimately stopped playing. I just reactivated my accounts a week ago and was pleased to find my old characters and items and what not, even though all my Towers fell. rolleyes:
Since coming back there has been a big learning curve while I try to figure out new systems and I don’t have even a fraction of the infrastructure I used to play with (limitless resources, friends, etc). I have a list of questions I was hoping someone could provide some feedback on as I’ve tried to speak to random people on my server (Napa Valley) and I’m ignored.
Is there any way to turn a Red Character Blue other than macroing forever? My friend reactivated his account to and 3 of his chars are red with 20+ kills. It’s going to be weeks before he can even really play with me in dungeons (except Fel, which is only frustrating because you can’t recall in/out anymore). Back when factions out you could get a reprieve… is there anyway to do that nowadays?
Is there any point to farming magic items anymore? Can you find things that are better than what can be made with imbuing? I’ve picked up imbuing and it seems like a really cool skill although I have many frustrations with it. One issue I have is I can’t help but feel that looting monsters in hopes of finding a cool item is fruitless… especially when I can make one with specific enhancements I like.
Does 100 Anatomy + 100 Eval still equal 100 wrestling?
When carrying a spellbook, is wrestling checked in combat?
What happened to the mining system? Back in the day I had runes to different color veins and now my runes seem worthless as veins seem to give random ore. Case in point: The spot right outside my house can spawn shadow,dull, and reg copper, but only one at a time. How the hell am I supposed to find gold ore?
Gargoyles… can they wear helmets or gloves? My friend is trying to make a ninja gargoyle and I crafted some armor for him but for the gargoyles there’s no gloves or cap… what’s the deal?
Where are popular vendor locations? I realize every shard is different, but on all there are a few locations where you can pretty much always find player vendors. On Napa, the only spot I can seem to find is around Luna. Any other areas you can think of?
Has anything major changed with Champion spawns? I want to get 2-3 friends together to try this as we used to get close to doing it ourselves a long time ago. Have they increased/decreased the difficulty?
Are there any new apps that are “must have”? I have UOA and UO Automap – even though automap doesn’t seem to work.
Have most people switched to the new client? What are the pros/cons? Back in the day I know the new client was pretty much a running joke, but I guess they’ve made a lot of improvements. My friend uses it while I use the old one and we’ve run into a number of differences.
Where is the best place to farm gold and magic items? I’m currently doing blood eles and Elder gazers (which still seem effective 10 years later… lol), but I feel like there’s probably better spots these days. I have the Samurai and Abyss expansions.
What would you advise 3 friends who all have high level characters but are completely foreign to the last 7-10 years of UO to do since coming back?
My current plans are to get us re-established here on Napa, then using our server as an ideal place to farm without being harassed we use Napa as a training ground to get better top end items (powerscrolls, artifact drops, etc.) and then move over to another more populated server (like Atlantic) so that when we enter the shard we come with the thunder and death follows in our wake. :gun:
I appreciate any help someone could give me. It's good to be back!
I’m an old vet returning to the game after a long absence, and holy crap have things changed. I played from 97-2001, and then briefly tried getting back into it around 2004, but ultimately stopped playing. I just reactivated my accounts a week ago and was pleased to find my old characters and items and what not, even though all my Towers fell. rolleyes:
Since coming back there has been a big learning curve while I try to figure out new systems and I don’t have even a fraction of the infrastructure I used to play with (limitless resources, friends, etc). I have a list of questions I was hoping someone could provide some feedback on as I’ve tried to speak to random people on my server (Napa Valley) and I’m ignored.
Is there any way to turn a Red Character Blue other than macroing forever? My friend reactivated his account to and 3 of his chars are red with 20+ kills. It’s going to be weeks before he can even really play with me in dungeons (except Fel, which is only frustrating because you can’t recall in/out anymore). Back when factions out you could get a reprieve… is there anyway to do that nowadays?
Is there any point to farming magic items anymore? Can you find things that are better than what can be made with imbuing? I’ve picked up imbuing and it seems like a really cool skill although I have many frustrations with it. One issue I have is I can’t help but feel that looting monsters in hopes of finding a cool item is fruitless… especially when I can make one with specific enhancements I like.
Does 100 Anatomy + 100 Eval still equal 100 wrestling?
When carrying a spellbook, is wrestling checked in combat?
What happened to the mining system? Back in the day I had runes to different color veins and now my runes seem worthless as veins seem to give random ore. Case in point: The spot right outside my house can spawn shadow,dull, and reg copper, but only one at a time. How the hell am I supposed to find gold ore?
Gargoyles… can they wear helmets or gloves? My friend is trying to make a ninja gargoyle and I crafted some armor for him but for the gargoyles there’s no gloves or cap… what’s the deal?
Where are popular vendor locations? I realize every shard is different, but on all there are a few locations where you can pretty much always find player vendors. On Napa, the only spot I can seem to find is around Luna. Any other areas you can think of?
Has anything major changed with Champion spawns? I want to get 2-3 friends together to try this as we used to get close to doing it ourselves a long time ago. Have they increased/decreased the difficulty?
Are there any new apps that are “must have”? I have UOA and UO Automap – even though automap doesn’t seem to work.
Have most people switched to the new client? What are the pros/cons? Back in the day I know the new client was pretty much a running joke, but I guess they’ve made a lot of improvements. My friend uses it while I use the old one and we’ve run into a number of differences.
Where is the best place to farm gold and magic items? I’m currently doing blood eles and Elder gazers (which still seem effective 10 years later… lol), but I feel like there’s probably better spots these days. I have the Samurai and Abyss expansions.
What would you advise 3 friends who all have high level characters but are completely foreign to the last 7-10 years of UO to do since coming back?
My current plans are to get us re-established here on Napa, then using our server as an ideal place to farm without being harassed we use Napa as a training ground to get better top end items (powerscrolls, artifact drops, etc.) and then move over to another more populated server (like Atlantic) so that when we enter the shard we come with the thunder and death follows in our wake. :gun:
I appreciate any help someone could give me. It's good to be back!