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Old timer popping in


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi all, I haven't played on lake superior in almost 8 years now and I created a trial account to see what was new. I was considering coming back but after running around for a few hours it seems like the server is rather empty. I checked (what I thought was) most of the hot spots and other then Luna I hardly saw anyone. Is this typical or am I missing something?

I've looked through here and I do see some old familiar names. I doubt to many people remember me as I was never better then average at PVP. I did spend some time in UOF, TI, and started my uo career in a pvm guild K*S (Forgive me if I forgot a few that I was in). I can't really recall all of my character names anymore but as I recall I had ulraunt, argile, zeus, ronin, and genesisR.

The last thing I am looking for is hand outs but I wouldn't mind meeting up with some people new or old to pick your brain or eventually run with when I get up to speed. I am a complete newbie with anything after ML and it appears a lot has changed.

Mithryl Elves

Elves Suck
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back!

ICQ me. Myself, mr.blackmage, Being Careless, Dunkirk, Sithas, Smooth Criminal (Billy) Optimus (Horizon) Turtle Thunper, Wappy ( I know I forgot someone lol) all play ATL now...

ICQ is still the same.... 402886