Welcome back! It seems like you were gone for about the same time I was.
A whole lot of stuff has changed.
First off for a pure mage I'm not great on templates; I personally prefer fighter roles and gameplay.
Depending on how cramped your template will be, the following would be good:
120 Magery (spells are more potent)
120 Eval Int (spells do more dmg, last longer, etc)
120 Meditation (no mana = no spells)
After that it depends on your focus. I believe Inscription (crafting skill) gives you 10% damage increase on your spells, which is probably good for a pure mage. 100 points max there. A lot of people take up necromancy and spirit speak in conjunction as well.
Anyway, I'm sure someone else here can help you out better than I can... For the time being, make sure to get a 100% LRC (Lower Reagent Cost) suit. On most shards they shouldn't be hard to come by. Even if at first it is not a medable suit, using no regs is great for raising magery... With a non-medable suit (studded leather or heavier armor) you will also gain meditation a bit faster since your mana won't fill as fast.
Good luck & welcome back!
~ Solikos