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Old Tamer Returning....Looking for some advice


Stratics Veteran
Hey Everyone,

I recently returned to UO after about a 8-9 year vacation. A lot has changed which is a tad bit overwhelming but also very exciting to learn about all the new stuff. The first character I have started back up with and trying to get my feet wet is my disco tamer. I've been reading the forums looking for ideas on what pets to train with the new training and such so I can start tackling bigger stuff. With that being said I'm looking for some advice on what I should do to start with so I can clear some champ spawns in fel solo if need be and get some scroll. I'm on Lake Superior and finding any scrolls under 120 is nearly impossible and the 120's that are on vendors I can't afford.

So which pet should I level up to do some solo champ spawns that doesn't require heavy scrolling to really do them? Some of my basic thoughts on what I have read are:

1) Skill up a Greater Dragon since I don't need any scrolls. I did tame one two days ago with nice stats and resistances that I am currently waiting to bond before I begin training. It had 130+ wrest, tact, mage, resist before I tamed with 1900 hp, high str, and fairly high resists. Will this do the trick to start out once I get him skilled up? and which champs spawns should I focus on for the quickest and easiest results.

2) Skill up a Cu. I currently have 3 cu's that are bonding with good base stats and mana. I've read the Cu thread which was very helpful and have a good idea what to do with stats and test them on tc, etc. For champs should I take Goo area effect with armor ignore and chiv? These seems to be where I am leaning at the moment based on what I have read. Thoughts on that for soloing champ spawns? and again, which spawns. also, please keep in mind my first Cu won't have any scrolls to work with in all likliehood.

3) Skill up a Hiryu. These look pretty cool with Bushido and look to be real tanky with that skill. I do have a 110 bushido scroll I found cheap but no other scrolls. Thoughts on how I should build a Hiryu to solo a champ spawn? Not sure if I should get Chiv? Should I get goo to pair with bushido bladeweave as a double aoe, etc?

One other question that I haven't been able to find a good answer to is am I better off getting discord on my pet and leveling it up and swapping to provoke on my tamer/bard? I have a 120 provoke skill cap but I would need to retrain the skill since it decayed on a soulstone in my house many moons ago. Any thoughts on if that is more effective?

Thanks for reading and offering your experiences. again my goal is to get solo champ spawn ready as a disco tamer as efficiently as possible with out any skill masteries since I don't have them yet.