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Old Slayer Bows



I have a collection of the old slayer bows, such as "A Blood Drinking Bow", all enhanced. It is either a full collection or close to it, 24 in total. Following is the list:

A Repond Bow
A Bow Of Ogre Thrashing
A Bow Of Orc Slaying
A Bow Of Troll Slaughter
A Bow Of Elemental Ban
A Bow Of Vacuum
A Blood Drinking Bow
A Bow Of Earth Shatter
A Bow Of Flame Dousing
A Bow Of Elemental Health
A Bow Of Summer Wind
A Bow Of Water Dissipation
A Bow Of Exorcism
A Bow Of Daemon Dismissal
A Bow Of Gargoyle's Foe
A Bow Of Arachnid Doom
A Bow of Scorpion's Bane
A Bow Of Spider's Death
A Bow Of Terathan Slaying
A Bow Of Reptillian Death
A Bow Of Dragon Slaying
A Bow Of Lizardman Slaughter
A Bow Of Ophidian Slaying
A Bow Of Snake's Bane

Is this worth anything?


You can find them for around 5k to about 100k each on most shards, although you will often see them for more. The only one that is really worth anything is a Demon slayer/ Any elemental slayer, and those range from about 5-15m


Would 2 mil be a good asking price for the entire set, or should it be lower? These are on Great Lakes, also.