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Old school shard?!?!

  • Thread starter ShaunOfPac
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Someone fill me in. What ruleset is it??? T2A? UO:R?

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't let these trammies fool you it is not old school. It is current siege without ROT and without the new lands. It has everything through imbuing.


Lore Master
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Has no insurance, Brit is the only GZ, skill gain is 10x faster than production, and a POS glass sword that one hit kills. 10k dmg. and Vampire wars, like they had in the past. take out the swords and it would be a pretty fun shard.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The shard seems really awesome but I don't get the whole...
"One hit, one kill" sword. That is completely stupid.

I'm definitely making a character.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
made a char liked it till some noob with a blue sword started talking **** and 1hit me, that was my que to leave!

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
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I stole some guys LRC suit after we interrupted him and his lady's cyber sessions in their 7x7 north of brit GY with my 5 minute old character and a glass sword. They seemed pretty butthurt which amused me but I don't see a point in playing a "classic" shard with a 2010 skill and itemset. Simply calling this "Classic" rather than a redone siege or a current but pvp based shard doesn't sit quite right with me its like the devs are trying to trick oldschool players to return only to be sorely disappointed.

If you are expecting to be able to roll around with no armor and magic resist and win you are mistaken. If you want to make a leet tactics/wrestle/swords halberd mage this will only disappoint you in every way.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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It's not a classic shard. It wasn't intended to be a classic shard. No one at EA/Mythic has called it a classic shard.


What happens if you both have the one hit/kill sword?

Do you kill each other?

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the RNG decides I didn't stick around long enough to find out.

And fair enough about the dev's not calling it a classic shard but a boatload of players sure are as evidenced by Shaun's posting so I decided to clear the air for him.