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Old green SL war horse

  • Thread starter Philanthropist
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


As I've recently reactivated my accounts again I stumbled upon one of my more prized items: an old SL war horse. This is the type that SL used about 6 odd years ago, and they are extremely uncommon.
In fact when I left UO in 2004 they were already pretty much unheard of (SL moved on to black war horses). As you can imagine these original green horses were killed off 'en masse' during the active faction days. And not many people thought about holding on to theirs.
Now I believe there are very, very few left on any shards.

The only thing is that you do need to be in SL to ride this horse.

A picture:

Now I am offering it for sale. I would like some offers
. Feel free to PM me or to reply here. If you'd like to talk to me on MSN or ICQ send me a PM with your info.

Oh yes, it's on Europa.


Green is still the color of SL faction warhorses.
You may have a dark green.
Here's mine for comparison:


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's a player on Great Lakes that often spams he's buying one. (for a LOT of gold) If I see him again I'll send him here.


itd take me a day or two to get up the gp, but id deff drop 100 on it tho...
how long do you think youll be entertaining offers?


There are two different shades of green SL faction warhorses. The color you have flutter is common, the color he has is no longer available and has not been for quite some time. There are only 2-3 others that I know of to exist, and this seems to be the case for many other individuals whom have encountered them in the recent past.



Green is still the color of SL faction warhorses.
You may have a dark green.
Here's mine for comparison:

[/ QUOTE ]
Now that you mention it! SL indeed got light green war horses at a certain point (so many changes).
Anyway, yours is one of the lighter ones. So mine is a different shade.


There's a player on Great Lakes that often spams he's buying one. (for a LOT of gold) If I see him again I'll send him here.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you!


itd take me a day or two to get up the gp, but id deff drop 100 on it tho...
how long do you think youll be entertaining offers?

[/ QUOTE ]
I am in no particular rush.
I also received some PMs from players that are interested. So I do wish to leave the sale 'open' for a few days.

Hope you don't mind.


There are two different shades of green SL faction warhorses. The color you have flutter is common, the color he has is no longer available and has not been for quite some time. There are only 2-3 others that I know of to exist, and this seems to be the case for many other individuals whom have encountered them in the recent past.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for all the help, DVI.


if you mean of the horse he's selling, he did in the original post of this thread.


On all of my computers it just shows up as an 'X' in a small box.



There are two different shades of green SL faction warhorses. The color you have flutter is common, the color he has is no longer available and has not been for quite some time. There are only 2-3 others that I know of to exist, and this seems to be the case for many other individuals whom have encountered them in the recent past.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, I know this.
The OP was stating that SL horses were black now. I explained that they were still green and showed mine as an example. I also noted that his was indeed a different shade.
I know personally of 3 the color he has on the Catskills shard. Plus one on my ex's account in the stables somewhere in the abyss.


Okay, my last kick
The last 2 buyers both failed to show up at the actual trade (why bid if you can't afford it?).

It's open for any offer!

PS: I've checked with a GM and it's 100% safe to xshard this horse! You won't lose it, nor will it lose it's colour.