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[Discussion] old books containing "For Further Study..." and the guild Crimson Brigade:


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was lucky enough this morning to snag an old book with some text on it:

Radagast, from Napa, has a book with same graphic and with the same guild included in it's text as mine, but slightly different words, as far as what can be seen:

Does anyone have any information on this TYPE of book?


Does anyone have any information on the guild "Crimson Brigade"?

Google produced a website when I searched for "Ultima Crimson Brigade" that gave reference to the guild's existence in the past of Ultima Online, and currently playing WoW. I've reached out to them and hopefully can get some information....

I'd very much appreciate any information that one can provide on either question and also if anyone has books similar to these, please post a pic or let me know and I'll come snap a pic and post it to further the discussion.

Thanks to all in advance!


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Stratics Legend
No one here has any knowledge on these?

What about a PC?

I've never seen any for sale except the guy that is peddling the uo.com one for years....

Dryzzid of Atlantic

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Item: Roleplaying Lessons Book

Properties and Attributes: Open book that loaded the web page when double clicked.

Description: Handed out to the class of a lecture in Medieval Speach held on the Lycaeum stage in Moonglow. At least four of these books reside in the Wintermoor Collection and there are a few dozen in total.

Taken from this page on Stratics:
UO Stratics - Stories & Secrets - Items & Artifacts - Atlantic

The item is located between "Quest Diamond" and "Skull of Collam" on that page.

Hope that helps!


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is awesome! Thank you so much!

I see in the pic on the link, that book is "Lesson 2". On both of our books the end of the line is under the weight and can't be read :(

If there were multiple Lessons, then maybe just a couple of each Lessons were made, I can only assume anyway...

That is exactly what I was looking for and I very much appreciate it!