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Okay who's with me ???

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Who's had enough of the lag bs and being ignored by the EAMythic team?

Who's had enough of crappy customer NO service?

Who's fed up with the complete lack of in game support?

If you anwsered "I AM!" to the above I invite you to join me on Friday
November, 21st at 8 PM CST to park you bootie in Luna bank at the first ever Ultima online sit-in.

You can sit at you respective shard or join me on Legends!
Wear your brightest and blindingest clothing your char owns. This is a protest of civil disobedience to "shine the light on our discontent". We pay for this abuse isn't about bloody time we get some anwsers instead of ignored like a boloney sandwich at a buffet???

So lets all log on and sit together; lets pack the servers and make our discontent be heard.

Thank You



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most definitely not the first, and when we did it we got jailed for 2 weeks :p


what message will that send?

I believe everyone holding back next months monthly fee will send a stronger message.

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most definitely not the first, and when we did it we got jailed for 2 weeks :p
Hey I'm willing to go to jail if it get's the Devs and higher ups attention.

Hell, I'd fly everyone out to Cali just so we could picket EA's corporate offices, but since I haven't won the powerball jackpot yet I can't afford to buy everyone a plane ticket. This will have to do till I win the Powerball jackpot! ;)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
park you bootie in Luna bank at the first ever Ultima online sit-in.

How is this any different than what the normal bank sitters in Luna do? Also this is not the first ever sit in durring UO history. There have been others.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah sure, create even more lag by all congregating to one location, that will solve the problem. lmao
You really want to do something that will get their attention? Why not have mass account cancellations or have everyone log off and leave the shards barren of players.


November, 21st at 8 PM CST to park you bootie in Luna bank at the first ever Ultima online sit-in
All hail the ingenious set up and insight.... oh wait this was already done before, preached quite loud, and everytime all that happens are some accounts get suspensions and everything goes on as normal like clockwork.

I can remember each and every attempted sit in,f rom teh one on Lake Superior about the consellor program being removed with the wearing red at the bank to all the varieties there of for various reasons here and there. Watching GMs pop in and ban people left and right after being warned was quite funny. But then again, it's even funnier people like this are going to try and organise a sit in at a bank to begin with, where people sit anyways, not to mention I seriously doubt the actual living bodies in UO is high enough to really form such a lynch mob.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now if you really wanted to make an impression, you would hold the sit in on Atlantic. You would hold it in a place that isn't part of a bank, and you would hold it in a place which adds an um... interesting... element to the game play.

So instead of Luna bank on Legends, try it in Fel-Despise with newbie characters on Atlantic. For more fun, give the newbie characters 50 fencing and 50 tactics skill and keep healers on hand (if you have enough people).


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you're that fed up with EA, I don't think it's a protest you want to do. I think it's time you closed your accounts and let them know how you feel, in a way they do understand.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Chances are if you are fed up with "lag" and "bs", the last place you would want to be would be in a public place with a lot of.............. lag and bs.

Warrior of Time

If you wanted to be in real lag go back to the placement of houses in Trammel. There has never been lag like that since. It lasted for over a week too. This we see now is induced lag I think in an effert to fix the problem. During the working hrs the lag is 2 times what it is at other times. Not as many are on during the day.

It is not just normal lag we see now, Before it was the same day and night. I know because I played like that.

You can have a sit in but that will not help fix it.

I see that as part of the problem, not cure.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Vote with your Credit Card"? :eek:
See how valid this guy's points seem now...? No "protest" will get the job done, because it's not real life.

The only connection between an MMOG and real life is your Credit Card. And unlike in real life you cannot incite a riot so either do what's suggested or post... and post... and post... And change nothing anyway 'cuz you'll still pay like the addict that you are. They win.

If what you are trying to accomplish worked we would have protests for Speedhacking for more than the last couple of years.

I haven't logged for 7+ days and don't miss the game.. Am I cured or do the twitches start after 30+ days?

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fine let's all cancel our accounts, but the fact is THEY STILL WON'T FIX SQUATT! It will give EA a reason to shut down UO permanantly. So then where will we be smart guy????? No UO at all oooo nice fix! NOT! Trust me they are making more money off Warhammer and consol stuff like Madden. EA could give a crap less about a 11 year old game.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jirel, do you do anything but complain?

If you don't like it, quit. Stop crying.


No UO at all oooo nice fix! NOT! Trust me they are making more money off Warhammer and consol stuff like Madden. EA could give a crap less about a 11 year old game.
Thats why they could give a crap about UO, nothing you can do except cancel....its like an addiction eh? Hard to cancel but playing UO the way it is, a bastardized version of once a great game, is tough.......in the end you know what the right decision is

Why give your money to sub par quality? Knowing the people in charge are going to do absolutely nothing about whats wrong with this game


Jirel, do you do anything but complain?

If you don't like it, quit. Stop crying.
Even people with below average intelligence can see all her points are valid
I guess you were an exception when you were born =( <-------- sad face


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Read her posting history. She makes a few posts, all whining, then disappears. Comes back, whines. Disappears.

She is nothing but a whiner.

Salty Pete

Read her posting history. She makes a few posts, all whining, then disappears. Comes back, whines. Disappears.

She is nothing but a whiner.
This ^

**** or get off the pot.


what message will that send?
When it breaks the shards because everyone is in one spot on the same server it will send a message.

*Shards Crash*

Those idiots in Luna again! Crap, now I am gonna have to wait until they reboot the system so I can continue to get;

Lag bs and being ignored by the EAMythic team.

Crappy customer NO service.

Complete lack of in game support.



I am getting pretty connections these days. 47ms to Atlantic with no packet loss.

Most of the lag, unless you are in Luna, seems to be pretty much cleared up.

About a week ago, it was unplayable. I complained to a GM, and a the next day it was fixed.

Maybe I am just cool like that?! :hahaha: