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Ok, so now what?!



I got my house built... I've got 5 characters mostly trained up...

My fisherman (archery, tactics, anatomy, healing, chivalry, resisting spells, fishing) is pretty much complete, skill-wise. Only work left is healing and resist, both in the 90s.

My treasure hunter (cartography, lockpicking, magery, mining, taming, veterinary, animal lore) is fairly complete with lockpicking in the 90s and taming in the mid 80s (my gosh, what a horrid skill to raise...)

My thief - this guy was my main go-to guy before I left... He is the most decked out I have in terms of gear, giving him 840-870 skill points depending on what he is actively using... 110 stealing (120 with talisman), 100 fencing (120 with Dread's Revenge), 100 hiding, 100 magery, 100 snooping, 92 ninjitsu (will GM, it's just sloooooow), 80 poisoning, 80 stealth, 40-60 necromancy (unless I gm poisoning for kicks). Obviously my gear adds a lot to what I have here. I just don't know what to do with him now.

I also have two mules, but those are just mules.

Anyhoo! I have a guild only for myself and a friend, but she isn't into big time hunting... But I miss it! So, I wonder... Are there shard hunts like their used to be? Dungeon crawls? Peerless hootenannies? Champ spawn spectaculars? Event extraordinaires?

If so, do I have characters that would even work in those or should I make a dedicated hunter? If so, what works best and/or is fairly fool proof?

I just find myself wondering what to do with myself beyond MIBs, fisher quests, BODs, and training taming and imbuing (good lord, that sucks too)! Each of which can get a little boring.

They Call Me Al

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With the availability of 7th char slot codes, I would invest in one. One of the best PVM characters is a spellweaving Mage or spellweaving mystic Mage.

There are also the sampire templates that are not only fun to play, but are great for solo hunting seeing as they can stand toe to toe with pretty much any monster/peerless/champ you encounter.


Wow, those sound interesting and unknown to me in terms of templates, haha.

They Call Me Al

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are pretty simple templates to make. The hardest part of either is building the suits, although with imbuing the suits aren't too hard anymore.

The mystic Mage is:
120 Mage
120 Med
120 Eval
120 Resist
120 Mystic
120 choice skill (a lot of people put weaving)

The weaving Mage is just like mystic Mage but people will replace mystic with focus for better mana/health/stam regen rates.

Sampire is a bit more complicated and you can find the templates vary from person to person.

Basic sampler build is:

120 Weapon skill (swords has best weapon choice)
120 Tactics
80 Anatomy
100 Healing
80 Spirit speak
100 Necromancy
120 Bushido

You can run in either vampire form (for life leech) or wraith form (for mana leech)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are pretty simple templates to make. The hardest part of either is building the suits, although with imbuing the suits aren't too hard anymore.

The mystic Mage is:
120 Mage
***120 Med***
120 Eval
120 Resist
120 Mystic
120 choice skill (a lot of people put weaving)
Unless you know something I don't know... I think you meant focus there.


Meanwhile I'm wondering where I'll get all the +20 scrolls, hahaha.

They Call Me Al

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Farsight, you are correct. Thank you for fixing that. Sometimes what I wanna say and what comes out are completely different.