Ya, use the one from fileplanet. That was the last one i downloaded. I tried them all.
[/ QUOTE ]Okay. Sounds like your system is choking on the d/l somewhere else then.
Just for drill... give this a try. Update and scan with all your security software (AV, AS, and so on). Run your maintenance tools (CHKDSK, Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter). Then do a Windows Update (make sure you have the latest critical and recommended patches & updates... especially watch for network adapter updates in WU). Double check the chipset and I/O component sites (for your system) to make sure you have the latest drivers that may not be on Windows Update yet. In that order, and don't skip anything (order matters, it really does). All this will improve your overall system performance, not just for KR.
Hope that helps.