Will non upgraded accounts be allowed to use the armor, deco and weapon items?
I don't believe you have access to Ter Mur with all it's new monsters, lootable items, skills, etc.. if you don't upgrade. (I think someone will catch me if I am wrong).
Will you be able to wear the new armor, weapons? Again.. how can you.. the "new stuff" meaning I think, the imbued stuff... is Garg only Race wearable. If you don't upgrade how can you have a garg to wear it? (again, catch me if I am wrong).
The new throwing skill is Gargoyle only race.
The new imbuing skill has to be worked at a soul forge to gain. Right now the only soul forge in the game is located in Ter Mur, which I believe you won't be able to get to. Players will be able to make soul forges for their personal houses when they reach a certain skill, but I am not sure when that will happen since I think it's pretty high .. 70 or so? (again, someone catch me if I am wrong).
The new craftables for tinkering, etc.. I don't know on those.. perhaps the menu will say, must have SA upgrade to work, like it did with ML. (someone catch me if I am wrong).
And so it goes on like that.
What you WILL have access to (without paying for any upgrade) is the new client.. formerly called SA, now called the enhanced client with it's new graphics, UI, macros, etc.
AND if you do not choose to download the new CLIENT, but you do upgrade your account, you will have access via 2d Client to all the new SA goodies.
Someone one catch me, did I get that right?