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ok can someone tell me whats going on here with this haunted chest

Xelious Norwood

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i bought a blue haunted chest today for a real reasonable price i thought 100mill
i got home stuffed it in a chest then came back about hour later and was about to show my daughter how it works, I went to lock it down and a message came up saying 'that object is not in your house' and vanished.
So my question is did i just get scammed or does anyone have any explination on this??
And the person i bought it off of kept saying a stealther came in and stole it. If it was stolen it wouldnt give me a message and poof after i targeted it.


A stealther most likely did steal it. What happens is if a person loots the item at the same exact moment you are trying to drag it yourself the object will still look like it's there on your screen. However, when you try to move it, access it, or lock it down you won't be able to because technically to the game you are trying to lock down something that's in someone else's backpack. It only looks like it's on your house's floor to you. Once you cross a server line or relog the item will sync properly and won't be visible anymore.

Xelious Norwood

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well it was purchased off a vendor.
I doubt that has anything to do with it.
Lovely, Sounds like i just got screwed outta this one.


With All Hallows Eve around the corner..

Is it possible that there is a new item with a new exploit out there?

Perhaps you guys should hold off on buying them for a month or two?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
sounds like a great item any1 can give me 1 plz feel free lol jp ya ever sense i found a person sitting next to 1 of my rares i was about to unlock ive always changed it to private and then just do detect hidden skill u never fail in ur own house and it reveals the entire house (just cuz im perenoid ever sense that event) sry to here about ur loss

Xelious Norwood

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i wouldnt doubt it.
really sad if its yet another dupe.
Although i havent heard anything about these.
Thats why i asked.
This guy i bought off of kept saying manticore was to buy it about 2 weeks ago then today he Qs me back asking me what id pay.
I thought it was over and done with and he pages me outta the blue.
Everything seemed ok till i went to lock it down. It just vanished after that message.

Xelious Norwood

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
live and learn i guess.
If it was my own fault then live and learn.
If i got scammed live and learn.
Point to this story, LIVE AND LEARN
sometimes the hard way.


Sounds more to me like the guy followed you home, waited for you to try to place it, then grabbed it and ran off.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
trust me...Crysta is right....its happened to me a cpl of times...ive always managed to get my items back tho usualy just buy em back heh....but yea ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS use detect hidden....i use it soon as i log in, and i have it on my bulletin board that if ANYONE is hidden in my house they will be banned.....cant stand ppl who do [censored] like that

sorry for ur loss tho man...that was a very nice price.....blue one eh? didnt happen to get it on baja from a collector did ya?....there was a very well known scammer who bought a blue one recently for 50m....selling it for 100 sounds about right cuz he didnt know the price and was probably just wanting to double his money....or he sold it to you....followed u home and got it back...getting a free 100m=/


I have to admit I am doing the detect hidden now for anything I place...doesn't even have to be worth that much it is just the time in finding some of this stuff..sorry about your loss, but yes it has happened to me as well.


There were 21 chests from this event on Baja, one person didnt turn theirs in. All makes 2 sounds and all are random colors. Some colors were repeated and some are unqiue. I own 12 chests, Orc owns one, Henry Leong owns 1, and rest are scattered everywhere. Matt had one before he was hacked it was also a blue one that you just lost. Interesting though.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Does detect hidden work on Halloween trick or treating invisibility powers? I am pretty sure it did not work last year. I am not unlocking anything till after halloween.

Xelious Norwood

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well he did admit to me he stealth stole the item.
And yes this was on Baja.
And he works out of a certain mall in luna.
If anyone wants to know who this guy is and what shop he works out of.
Just PM me.


my rares are all located in my keep in felucca, although the downside is people can't just go view my collection publicly, they also can't just walk inside and stealth around so thank god for that

Xelious Norwood

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just a little recap on this.
same guy wanted me to buy back the chest for an additional 50mill
but he tried to scam me again telling me to drop gold to a pack horse he friended me to. I told him no way and to leave me alone. I did however find out several of his other character names, so if anyone wants to know who this guy is just pm me.