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Odd Occurances

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Stratics Veteran
Daniel looked up at yet another house swirling about in the sky. How many was it now. He lost count. What strange magic that lifted the houses and put them In Danger of Crashing. He glanced around. Many of the citizens were staring in awe. They turned out with chests and pack animals ready to help clear the debris. Daniel was always amazed at the eagerness of the people to help out.It would only be moments before this one fell. And when it did, It would collapse just as the others had.
As Daniel looked about he recognized many familiar faces. Then he felt his brows furrow. He knew that face. It was Natasha but why was she here? Daniel carefully backed into a shadow. He knew no one would see him from this safe place. He had mastered the between, not teleporting and not here, absent and present. Now he took a better look. yes ! He could see Natasha approach an odd Gargoyle. He grinned and took something from Natasha.
Daniel could not take time right now to investigate further. He had to meet with the bringer of the rains. He quickly took out a quill and scribbled a note to Amonos.
(more to come)

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