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[Discussion] Odd Ask and Be Answered Ball Question

Dryzzid of Atlantic

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

In a bout of boredom I recently went through my account, which is not my original main account, and logged on to every character on every shard. I've never played any other shard actively except Atlantic so I never really looked at what the characters were or what they had. The original owner must have tried every original shard because they each had 4-5 newbie-ish characters.

I always knew they were newbie-ish characters and I never thought twice about them. Well, to my surprise, there were a lot of old items that today hold a pretty nice value.

Now, I know what an Ask and Be Answered Ball is and where it came from, but any that I've seen have always been named "Blessed" with the big subtitle having the full item's name. I looked for threads about A&A balls on this forum but have yet to find an A&A ball that looks like this:

Has anyone else seen this? Are these a "rarer" version of the common A&A ball?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it hasn't been put on a vendor so it kept its full name. I've got a bag full of on legends.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think its worth millions, as I think they are still pretty common. I'd be very cautious about putting it on a vendor. Stocking it used to give it the double description and I think the current trend is that it removes the title completely and changes it to blessed. My guess is you might find someone interested... maybe for 500k, but I think the single full name would sell better than the double bugged name if you find one of those.

Just my opinion, hope it helps!