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Obamacare upheld

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Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
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The justices passed the ruling and stated the mandate for all to purchase health care is considered a tax


Old and in the way
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That is quite a stretch of logic.

old gypsy

Grand Poobah
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That is quite a stretch of logic.
I'll stick my neck out and risk offending those who supported this bill. My email to the White House today:

Considering the unlimited power over every American citizen that the U.S. Supreme Court has just handed to the federal government, I can honestly say, "For the first time in my adult life, I am ashamed of my country."

And I am most definitely voting Republican.

Anyone who wants to shout at me can go ahead. I won't be coming back here to check or argue. I'll be too busy.

Kylie Kinslayer

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If I offend you here... TOO bad. Those who are easily offended probably need to stop reading here, you have been warned.

Yes, the Supreme Court has declared ObamaCare constitutional, I would like those of you celebrating to stop a second and think about what that entails. We the people, have just lost another portion of OUR freedom. A woman has the choice to kill a baby that is inside her, but now WE no longer have a choice to be uninsured if we choose. If in the Feds eyes you can afford health insurance and you do not carry it, a nice big ole fat tax penatly awaits you. Everyone that has a Pro Choice bumper sticker should be upset the mandate passed, oh wait.... the only Choice they care about is abortion.

There were some good things in the legislation, but the death of more of our Freedom was not one of them. Tout the individual mandate as a win if you choose, celebrate it if you want but imo you are celebrating on the graves of every Veteran who ever died, on the backs of every one of them who were maimed trying to defend our Freedom. More and more of it falls by the wayside daily.....

Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
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This legislation was not about healthcare-it was about having the power to control.
On one hand since it was a tax-it will now be taxing those who cannot afford health care in the first place- plus its the single largest tax ever passed anywhere in the world. Those who believed if you earned under 200k were not going to pay higher taxes. eeeeeh (buzzer noise inserted here) simple-he lied

Anyone check the stock exchange, the economy senses and the polls today?

Since none of the main provisons go into effect until 2014-hows that going to effect the outcome in November?

This is not our typical democrats or republicans, this is something entirely different. Americans better start doing their homework


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Stratics Legend
Just an FYI. Your ability to pay does not matter. The mandate says everyone must carry it. Those below a set number will be given money to help offset the costs but everyone must carry by 2014. There are no exceptions for any reason.

Kylie Kinslayer

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Stratics Legend
Just an FYI. Your ability to pay does not matter.
Agreed. But the "low income" people and the leeches that we have will all get it for no cost as usual. The ones that can afford it in the Feds eyes will be the Middle Class, and they will be the ones bearing that huge tax penalty. Mark my words, at the rate we are going there will soon only be 2 classes left, rich and poor. Which falls right into Obama's class warfare spiel. Much easier to play class warfare to your advantage when you only have 2 classes instead of three.


Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
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49% of the population was holding the burden for 51%. I would like to see their caculator! soon there wont be a way to support anything
16 trillion in debt, he has spent more then all the prior presidents combined
We have had our rating dropped below triple AAA for borrowing.
How will we dig ourselves out of this?

Kylie Kinslayer

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Like Obama says' "Tax the Rich."

Oh wait, problem is even if you tax them at 100% we still fall way, way, WAYYY short of the debt. Devaluation of the dollar is the only way they will be able to "fix" it, and it's coming. If you think the 1930's were bad, wait until you see us then, in 10 years or less.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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Yeah, this sort of stuff needs to stop.

I'm politically neutral by trade and upbringing. We can get into 'that' in a PM.

Stratics OT is for discussing issues not related to gaming but when you start in with religion and politics you start making enemies of good friends you game with.

Take it up with the other admins if you feel it's too heavy handed but I suggest, for the good of the overall forums, y'all find a different political site or share all ya want on FB and Twitter.

Thanks all,
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