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O/T what anti virus security program do you use?

  • Thread starter Balian of Asgard
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Balian of Asgard

Ive been using Norton for quite a few years, they improved it immensely in the last few years, not lagging me out, saves passwords, scans downloaded files etc..
Was wondering if theres better out there and what is it?

pretty sure its not kaspersky


Derium of ls

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I use AVG, and when I think I got a virus, I install Norton, fix it then go back to AVG


AVG used to be top dog. But has turned into a memory hog.

The research I've convinced me to use Microsoft's security essentials for virus related stuff. I use malware bytes also.

Norton and McAffee used to be top dog but I haven't heard much good from either in a LONG time.


my subscription for mccaffee just ran out.. Seemed to work pretty well, but I'll probably re-install avast now..


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I used mcafee for years till my contract was up last month, I switched ISP providers and could not renew the free sub, so I switched to norton that is free with my ISP subscription. I seldom use my Windows machine for the web unless I have to, I prefer my linux machine for web surfing, Linux=Best Antivirus protection. I use linux mint, its a version of ubuntu its a pretty good OS and can install a dual boot loader when installed so you can either pick Linux or windows at startup. Ive only been using it for a couple months and am loving it, I have purposely went to attack sites while on linux and not a damn thing happened to my machine:thumbup1:.