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Number of Carrots???

  • Thread starter Lost-Soul
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Can ya give us an estimate of how many of each carrot was droped. I saw you try to tell us but there was so much spam I couldn't see. Thank you and Happy Easter again. Job well done on the bunny hunt event.

EM Fiorella

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok recap of the carrots...

20-25 of each type where dropped including the 24 karat one. The rarest would be Fio's Strawberry at i believe 10 and even rarer stil Sangria's at 5.

The various carrots and there directions can be seen at the Awards House in Malas.

Glad everyone had fun!!



The bag of carrots at the reward house is locked down, and the contents are unable to be viewed.


Greetings EM's while I was raiding Tokuno for carrots I found a carrot that you do not have in your bag at the Awards house. It's not mentioned anywhere. It's a Natural looking carrot no crazy colours and says "Happy Easter Napa Valley". I have not seen another one like it. How many of these were dropped? Thank you for your time

EM Fiorella

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe there were only 5 of these dropped. I must not have made a spare one for the rewards hall. My apologies.