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Now to train a PP 2 slot Nightmare


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can't thank you all for the help and advice you gave me for my first beetle. I especially appreciated the links.

So now I want to tackle one of my Mares but don't have a clue what a nice build would look like.
I have scrolls for 9x120 if there are plenty of pts to go around. I like 9x120
but that is as far as it goes.
Please could someone recommend some links on PP nightmare builds

Thanks.... as always any and all advice is greatly appreciated


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I built a legacy mare using the link XeneX posted and I’m very happy with the results.
Chiv/AI is the way to go on a legacy mare.


Chiv/AI for legacy mares. Follow the cah guide and you will be golden. I have 2 legacy mares built with chiv/AI and they are both incredible so far. Just need to take chiv to 120 and that’s a pain in the buttocks. (~110 so far)

If you want a magery mare, build yourself a nice void color. Current mares have plenty of points for that build.