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now that christmas is very close



it's holiday, leftover:grouphug:recipe time, breaking tradition and the recession the family has opted for aham rather than turkey, ham is much more versatile to the midwestern folks as we have asolid supply of great northern beans throw left over ham into crockpot add water to cover beans and ham cook possibly 8 hours at medium to high temp for those inclined add can of beer as water levels drop, it can help solve energy crisis people also great for moving guests out after holidays:stir:gets rid of anooying neighbors you meet at stores during returns:stretcher:happy holidays all

five oclock

LoL..You know this secret receipe I will probally try this year...

Visitors are like fish, After 3 days everything starts to smell.

I'll drink one for ya :D and I only return stuff the SECOND day after Christmas :D its SO much slower that day :D


hehe, five oclock, one of my greatest blessings, in life happens to be a 90 yr old lady, she had 8 kids during the great depression if there was away to feed afamily on5$ aweekshe probably knew of it, she's getting forgetful these days so I'm very glad to have known her most of my life some of the recipes will be lost to the mists of time as well they should be.:)