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Now I know why I disliked UO players...



So, lemme explain my night, more of a rant really.

My home is on Pacific, I started there years ago, came back last month and love UO again. I heard of the auction thing, and went to a few, didn't win much yet (only have a bit under 1 mil). Now I went to the R3 auction, and it was more of a lets see who has the most money to throw away type thing. Someone bid like 2 mil gold on a box of crap. And the one thing I was after, a box of misc stuff that was't more than 50k, was bid by the same person who overbid each other item. He bid 200k. I finally got up, ranted that this person was ruining the auction, and left (got banned). I went to Luna to camp a bit, and saw more players insulting the auction. I love the idea of it, but it felt rigged.

Secondly, I went back to my hosue, checked to ensure my book I placed down was still fine, and saw someone deleted all I wrote and put a stupid guild comment in there from FL.

So, overall, I dislike these two guilds, and feel like the RP thing I did with my own home is ruined, and thus my guild for it seems lame. So I am on the hunt for a nice, fun, good guild.

/rant end. Sorry, just had to express why I can't get along with players sometimes. Let the flames begin! Kal Vas Flam!


Wow, this is proving it more when my post got moved...seems UO is against me tonight, or should I say it's players.


Sorry to hear that dude. Don't let the ****s get you down.

EDIT: THat was a 7 letter alleged profanity starting with a "b."


Set the access to your book to guildmembers only. Just like a container.

Yes, FL is trash.

No, there is nothing at a player-run auction that you can't live without.


GoL (gol.guildportal.com) is a fun/active guild, or if you're interested in more of a rp guild, check out theprc.com (pacific role playing community)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
FL has a few respectable players but its mostly griefing immature kids in that guild (or at least they act like it) so never take what any of them say personally.

With the auctions...Auctions are like...well...auctions. People are gonna bid just to bid. I have even gotten caught up and overpaid for an item because someone kept bidding against me and i foolishly yelled out a number that was outrageous. It becomes more of a competition after a few items and there will always be someone waiting to outbid you.



Wow, this is proving it more when my post got moved...seems UO is against me tonight, or should I say it's players.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't take the post being moved personally. You said yourself, it was a "rant." *UO Spiels and Rants* is appropriate, don't you think?

As for the auctions, I've been dissapointed in them as well and saw the same things you did - players who simply enjoy "flaunting" their gold. But, the flip side, when someone sells a "box of junk" they're more than likely hurting for funds. While it's a loss for you, it's a huge help to them. Your turn will come.

Edited to add: AS for your book - Red Leaves will seal it so that it cannot be edited or erased.




Edited to add: AS for your book - Red Leaves will seal it so that it cannot be edited or erased.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow thanks, Ill keep that in mind.





Edited to add: AS for your book - Red Leaves will seal it so that it cannot be edited or erased.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow thanks, Ill keep that in mind.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can also set access restrictions on a book just like a container, so if it's only for you and your fellow guildmembers, set the access to such and only you and them will be able to open or write in it.



GoL (gol.guildportal.com) is a fun/active guild, or if you're interested in more of a rp guild, check out theprc.com (pacific role playing community)

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought the PRC quit/closed.