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Notice : Event Calendar


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
hello fellow Sonomians's's's's

i was informed from high command that they want the shard forums to be a discussion forum and all 'event' and 'Calendar' like posts are to go into the top post thingy.

its a simple process.

you post it in there.
hunter or myself hit 'ok' and we lock it and up it goes.

so if you guys could start to use that that would be gggggggggggreat.

(that means you Queen Mum, yes im looking at you!)
and also EM events.

which i guess is should tell the EM about.
who's our EM again?


Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Head over t the EM Sonoma Forum Poo, not that anyone posts there. Our EM included.

Perhaps someone could mention something to our EM about the sub forum?