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not trying to troll but to affect changes



after, agood deal of discussion, in pm's, with radagast, we have figured out imbuing is designed only to direct those of us who enjoy crafting into huntingthe abyss for our items, to craft higher items but not only the abyss but the prism of light for more desirable items, the most I can say is dev's give the crafter's abreak, not break it off in them.:sad2:

Az of DSR

I would think imbuing is more of a crafting for warriors.... The crafter's have bods rewards. Now the warrior has a way to suit himself up by applying his craft. ( =

And his equipment will break so he will always need to fight to stay geared.

just a thought.


Former Stratics Publisher
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I don't see imbuing as a warrior's skill. No room on my warrior for any other skill, let alone reaching the 120 I want in swords! Now imbuing on a crafter (smith type specifically) utterly compliments the making and enhancing of weapons and armor. Actually, make that a Tinker/Smith/Imbuer and you got a damned nice round-up of marketable skills!. Same goes for Tinker/Tailor/Imbuer.

Personally... My gargoyle character is my imbuer, but not my crafter... I have soul stones though so that helps to juggle the skills around for whatever I wanna make at the time....


One thing I found good with imbueing, with a new imbuer (50 skill) you can make a 100% lrc suit. Great for a newbe starting out.

Az of DSR

imbuing is designed only to direct those of us who enjoy crafting into huntingthe abyss for our items
Well my point wasnt that a warrior template would have imbuing on it... haha. My point was that if you enjoy hunting then you have a way to get the materials you need for your gear. IE how imbuing ingredients work.

And if you do not enjoy hunting and prefer gathering materials via chopping trees and digging ore then you would suit yourself via the old method with Bod rewards and whatnot. IE your a crafter. Which is what I presumed the OPs mindset to be by the tone of his post.

As far as a warriors template goes. Sampires are the gods of war. ( =


my point was meant mostly along the lines ,like kirthag drew, I won't turn my grandmaster crafter gargoyle tho as to my point of view the dev's are trying to force gameplay into their own closed minded direction