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not one to **** n moan

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ive never been one to whine pancake **** n moan but uhm
(WEAK) or whoever the &^$^ from COM.....got enough sigil and base guards going? lmao
at least do the full run of the sigils instead of lettin em rot in your base!
stop being the good guys by halting the invasions...bunch of saints and angels or something over there


I agree good sir, who owns brit now?,I hate having to log atamer in first just to possiby clear the house north of brit the hatred is getting old by now the crimson dragon has been slain numerous times in east brit it's getting very old and tired now, most tamers stop at the bridges heading east as the skeletal dragons guardthem hard to take agreater against the skeletals when they turn them loose on you.


ive never been one to whine pancake **** n moan but uhm
(WEAK) or whoever the &^$^ from COM.....got enough sigil and base guards going? lmao
at least do the full run of the sigils instead of lettin em rot in your base!
stop being the good guys by halting the invasions...bunch of saints and angels or something over there



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ive never been one to whine pancake **** n moan but uhm
(WEAK) or whoever the &^$^ from COM.....got enough sigil and base guards going? lmao
at least do the full run of the sigils instead of lettin em rot in your base!
stop being the good guys by halting the invasions...bunch of saints and angels or something over there

Do you mean npc base guards? I take it so if they are just letting them rot inside the base. The npc guards are pretty easily killable if you use a couple feilds and some explo pots. If you are not in mood to kill them all. You can bypass them by using a boat to get past the bridge. Good stealther should be able to bypass them by either route to steal the sigs...


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was gonna say, I just stealth by them & borrow them for a few hrs :D.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, I showed them a way around the whole thing :) The guards themselves, and alone, are not so much the issue. But there are also the captured souls or whatever they are, and traps on the bridge that draw the guards attention to you.

Those eggs needed to be in our nest, after all!