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Not even a challange! Just give the item drops away! Lousy Event AI.



Just drag around a Daemon Berserker around anywhere there are mobs with a stealther. Let the daemon kill everything in a few hits and collect the loot!!@!

They can wipe out an entire screen full of mobs and there is TONS of free loot!!
Gather up more quest items than you can store in one 18x18 IN ONE DAY!!

Wow awsome!

I hope your giving away lots of great artifacts for the turn in's too since it took nothing to gather up all the resources needed in this event!!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I think someones mad they dont have a stealther...

[/ QUOTE ]


Jealousy is lousy.


what i dont get is...to collect the loot, you have to wait, what, 2-5 minutes for the corpse to change? if this is the case, you can loot too, so what's the big deal?

hopefully, the plane shield / sword will not be turn-ins. doesn't make any sense, anyway. who would collect them? they seem much more logical candidates as the tools necesarry to travel, somewhere.

imported_Fran Fury

Not positive but if the berserker kills them there is no wait time. It is freely lootable by anyone right away.

I have pretty much lost all interest in the event. I have enough swords and shields to be happy if there is a turn in for them and a couple cloaks too. But if there isn't.. no biggie I own a trash can too.