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Not an MMO - Mechwarrior: Living Legends

  • Thread starter jokerjester
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Well this is not an MMO but i hope in a few years they would make one for us MechWarrior fans...

I am a big fan of MechWarrior and this mod is a good news to me. I've dug this article up in another gaming site...

Basically this is a mod done based on the Crysis engine made by MW fans for MW fans. The mod will be released for free. Unlike the earlier MW series, you can also choose to play as an elemental (power armour infantry), tank/armour, or aerospace fighters (aerial).

Hopefully, we MW fans can relive the good old days...

MechWarrior: Living Legends

Teaser Video:
YouTube - MechWarrior: Living Legends - February08 Teaser


it seems that there are not a lot of MechWarrior fans here in Stratics...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
looks pretty neat - any idea when it'll be out?

wish they'd make a new single player mechwarrior game!


according to the site the mod is still in development...

i still need to buy (or download lol) crysis before playing this...