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Normal to get horrible loot at miasmas?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Other than gold, pretty much everything I've seen there in the last few days is stuff that I don't even think new players would use. Good thing it's a great source of gold, or else this spot would be useless.


Most of the loot there stinks...Once in a blue moon I'll pull something decent if I'm on a character with high luck. It seems w/o high luck it's just a place to farm gold.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pretty much most loot these days is junk, even from the peerless.
It's either arty/replica or high end runic.

Just a good job we got scrap bags these days so atleaste we get resources from the junk.


Other than the gold and chests (I use the lvl 6 maps), the loot is crap.
It is hardly worth the time to go through it for the armor set pieces, because they so rarely drop. Wish they dropped right into your pack, but I guess there would be tons of those sets by now if they did.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While it's possible to get good loot there, yes, horrible loot is indeed the norm, especially if you have no Luck or minimal Luck.

-Galen's player