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Normal looking loot as a Doom Backdrop Drop?


I got this item in my bag after killing a dark father in doom recently. it gave me the journal message that I received a reward for my valor ect...

I thought drops that go strait into your bag were always artifacts. This looks like just a normal piece of loot. Not even legendary. Does that count as a Doom drop that resets your counter? I know luck doesn't matter for doom artifacts because there is a point counter until you get a drop. But I didn't even know that this could happen as a drop.



Stratics Veteran
count as doom drop..bug from many years already reported many times...somehting you get honor peice as drop


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I think I remember this happened to me except it was a piece of a named armor (I think maybe assassin's armor)?

I think they count that as your drop and you are "reset" after that and need to kill X more things to get your next drop. Very disappointing for sure.



Stratics Veteran
Wow I understand why it’s so hard to get something from there if a Prized item count has a drop

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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wow the first one I've seen that was actually 'lesser artifact' or higher though, maybe it was fixed to where the publish notes are accurate?
*boredom instantly sets in just thinking about Doom* not going to bother checking =[

Meanwhile about 80% of the doom artifacts are STILL in desperate need of revamped.... 3+ years after the one we already had.


Hahaha. Prized Lesser artifact or greater. I didn’t notice that.

Yea. Working as intended. That is Super sucky.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Meanwhile about 80% of the doom artifacts are STILL in desperate need of revamped.... 3+ years after the one we already had.

I understand the balancing act but to your point when 80% of the Doom artifacts are worse than what a player can craft there is a huge need to update them.

That said, it's a very simple and easy update to change the piece "at least lesser artifact" to simply be a prized legendary; with all the updated loot for other mobs where Legendary artifacts drop more commonly now I don't think that this would really be a huge power creep; especially when the item would be randomly generated too. To take it one step further, I'd say that in this case the Legendary should also be a no named legendary like we had before.

Side note - does anyone remember any publish notes coming out (aside from the treasure chests last year) where something was said about loot tables being improved? I feel like 4-5 years ago I barely ever came across legendary gear and fast forward to the past year or 2 I feel like I see much more of it now and I'm hunting the same stuff. Just wondering if this was something they announced or did under the radar (or maybe I'm crazy).


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I don't know... as far as the Doom Arties and such I've said forever that they ought to at least make it so we can imbue them... at the very least... many of them are well under the imbuing weights and such... if they just did that it might help some of them... though for many there is no hope as the DEVs certainly do NOT get what makes a good weapon... they don't get what people want on a suit... they just seem to put random weird stuff on things that no one ever uses.

It's like how can we put out an artifact and say we are giving new content and still not cause power creep and yet pretend we are giving them something? Oh, I know lets put out a weapon no one will ever use because it's slow as molasses in winter and give it some stupid mods... none of which will improve its swing speed or weight!... yeah it should weigh so much that most people will have it fall to their pack the min they are cursed or weakened... yes that's it.

Same with armor... the less practical and more unwieldy the better... It reminds me of the new armor for ToL... No one will ever use that stuff... Shame that turtle stuff doesn't give the bonus for Mana... Honestly, no reason why it shouldn't... but yeah...it doesn't so no one will use it but mages.

If they bothered to revamp it they still have ZERO clue what makes an item good. Should just leave it as is or they will ruin the few pieces people do still use.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
@MalagAste - You are not entirely wrong there because there are certainly a ton of items that have a weird mish-mash of properties that do not synergize.

Where I disagree is on your comment of things that no one will ever use in terms of speed and strength. With all of the other pieces we have that have come out in the past 5-10 years to max damage increase/HCI/SSI on your armor (like SSI epps / ranger cloak / 10% SSI jewels etc) things that at one point were too slow of junk could now be used IF they had useful properties or specials.

Perfect example is Beserker maul (75% SSI + 50 DI). First issue here is that the SSI cap is 60% so 15% isn't even being used. Aside from that, suits now can reach 180+ stam relatively easy and include +30-40SSI too (not to mention 100% DI). If the Beserker maul had something like 75% Lightning & 50% HLD (instead of SSI & DI) it would have been considered junk 10+ years ago but now might actually be used in PvP. But it's not so now the Beserker Maul is basically the same as a GM made maul depending on your suit.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Yours truly, for RP purposes, a very, very long time ago.

I'll give you that one as for RP it would have a sort of purpose... though sucky and unbelievable... somewhat... It looks good if you are riding a unicorn and charging a dragon... who would fall over laughing at you...

That is of course if dragons were still dragons and not the petty weak things that we have now...