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[Discussion] Non rare's being sold on rare's fourm..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello all,
I have been noticing non rare's are being posted and just wanted to remind everyone of "What belongs on this forum" which can be seen at the top on the first page on the rare's forum.

All of this rules have been in play for some time but the original post has disappeared somewhere during the forum transition. So I am going to post them again.

1) Permanent spawn items are not allowed for buy/sale on this forum. This includes, doom artifacts, fishing rares, ML artifacts, REPLICAS etc.

2) Player craftables are not allowed for buy/sale on this forum. It does not matter how epic good they are.

3) Temporary spawn items are okay to be posted. A good example of this is rubbles.

4) All recent/current holiday items will be moved to holiday trading forums. Currently, rares from previous holiday seasons are allowed. This is mainly to prevent the forum getting completely spammed out from the latest and greatest holiday fix.

5) Discussions on items and their spawn rate is allowed, even if they are non-rares. This is primarily aimed at discussion of new items whose status is not yet widely known or for questions related to obscure items that might seem to be rare. The purpose of the forum is to also provide information and as such, we are pretty flexible on discussion as long as it has something to do with the theme of the forum. This, however, does not cover individual price check posts of non-rare items. Those should be posted on Uo Traders Hall or your individual shard trading forums as they are in most cases far better equipped to answer shard specific question.

6) The changeling duped items are not considered rares and should not be posted here. These include:
* Glacial bandana
* Glacial spell books
* Glacial pants
* Glacial pix axe
* Glacial dagger
* Glacial anything with no special names
* Europa royal gold clothing with no special names.
* Blue looking npc robes same color from the grizzle place
* Two tone red/blue hallys (doggy dupped from avenger hallabrate)
* Black hallys (some doggy dupe some before, but lump them all in)
* Two tone red/blue long swords (doggy dupped from bramul or algid)
* Replicates of other items such as ornament etc.
* Paladin swords
* Other random hued weapons with no unique names

I also do beleive this needs to be revised.
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Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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If you see something that you believe doesn't belong on the forum, feel free to alert Athelas and I. Thanks!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also, as the OP said, they feel it should be revised-Let me ask this: Does "pre-patched" craftable armor belong here? No longer obtainable craftables that are deemed pretty rare? Not done via bug/exploit, but simply done before the DEVS realized their poorly implemented system needed tweaking.

Just a thought.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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Also, as the OP said, they feel it should be revised-Let me ask this: Does "pre-patched" craftable armor belong here? No longer obtainable craftables that are deemed pretty rare? Not done via bug/exploit, but simply done before the DEVS realized their poorly implemented system needed tweaking.

Just a thought.
They should be acceptable Forsaken. Server Births are after all pre-patched items that stopped spawning.


Stratics Legend
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i would address exploit items that can no longer be created, "modern" clean-up brit rewards like dyes / bless deeds, like forsaken said prepatch armor / imbued arties, and UO store / UO japan store items.

And yes, i have seen alot of things slip by lately. with the vast number, and loose definition of "what a rare is" i dont think it really matters anymore. It SHOULD but imo it doesnt. The only thing that does matter is things that are so common they would clog the forums up.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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I've sent a message to Athelas to discuss this topic. Please be patient as it may take a bit for us to come up with a plan as we both are busy in RL. Continue to give your input, we ARE listening! :grouphug:


It gets a little tricky sometimes... If we allow pre-patch weapons... do we allow prepatch pets? Is that greater dragon with 1001hp really "rare"? I've seen a blaze Cu listed before and I think it got moved to the Trader's hall.

Also - what about a list of 10 items where one is slipped in that does not belong? Remove the whole thing? Leave it since it's mostly rares? My thought is to remove the whole thing... but what if there are already 20 bids on items in the thread?

As you can see - there's a lot to discuss about it - and a lot of variables. That's why we have two trusted mods who use good common sense in their decisions. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also - what about a list of 10 items where one is slipped in that does not belong? Remove the whole thing? Leave it since it's mostly rares? My thought is to remove the whole thing... but what if there are already 20 bids on items in the thread?
I think just the one item should be removed regardless if it has bids or not.


I think just the one item should be removed regardless if it has bids or not.
Personally - I agree with that... but speaking as a staff member... that would leave Mods editing posts from other members and opening that door might not be such a good thing... Sadly - it's all or nothing unless we want accusations of mods abusing power, intent of messages changed, etc. I've already seen messes from that when a mod didn't edit it.

Does that mean a mod never edits a member's post? no... there are some emergency situations. I've edited one where a forum member accidentally posted his account name and other identifying info. To prevent a hacking attempt - it was edited. There have been other similar situations - but I think it is to be avoided whenever possible.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Stratics Legend
Alright, so here is where we are at.

We are planning to keep doggy duped items banned from the forums (glacial, ethy, etc) and make a clear and hopefully concise list of them individually.

We will be adding the stacked exploit items to the list of banned items.

Now spawning items... our idea is zero tolerance from this point on. That means large auctions or lists too. You will be PM'd and asked to remove the item if it is part of a large list and if it isn't removed in a reasonable amount of time, than the list will be removed or moved and you will have to repost without the offending items. Single item posts will simply be moved to the appropriate trade forum.

What will be allowed is anything that is not on the banned list, is not a current gift/drop and is no longer able to be obtained.

We would like to do redo the stickies in this forum to include the following:

1. Welcome to the Rares Collecting Forum-
What being a collector is all about, Info on rares festivals - basic info/possible list of past festivals, Info on the new "dupes on vendors" fix by EA (when we get it all figured out), How to sell your rares - safety, ways, brokering (will not be advertising who should be a broker), auction styles, uploading/taking pics, etc, Things to avoid (listed exploits, common scams, etc), Forums tips and link to RoC - who the mods are and how to reach them

2. A memorial thread for those in the community who have passed - this might go in the reference section. We'd like input on this.

3. What is and is not allowed on this forum - exactly what it says. :)

Please give us your feedback and input on the ideas above. If you have any ideas, concerns or thoughts, please post them. :)

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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Personally I am not a big fan of "zero tolerance" anything unless already specified in the ROC which applies to all members of the Stratics community. When it comes to rare collecting, I think its important to be inclusive instead of exclusive. Beginning collectors can't be afraid to post something because they don't know if something is truly rare or not. I am constantly asked if something is rare by people who find stuff in IDOCs. I understand the concern of a few purists who want to maintain a level of integrity. I just don't think its fair to scrutinize players in any respect over a game. I think is best if the rares forum members police themselves in regards to what is rare or not. Most of us veteran collectors can easily point out whats doggy duped, still spawning, or created by exploitative means. We've done this for what 15 years? If the concern is scams, all we can do is educate players what is genuinely rare or not. To trade safely, promote brokering,not specific brokers. I just want this forum and the game to be fun, not stressful. I am stressed enough.


Stratics Legend
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great that this is being updated. i would make sure to address UO store items tho. Like is abyssal hair dye a "rare" because they no longer sell it? and there is UO japan, alot of those items pop up as being sold as rares until people catch on. Like when there was a promotional and the market was flooded with castle and thatched roof cottage mini house deeds, but they were simply being given out on the UO Japan site. So if you wanted to be technical, mini house deed castles were not a rare for the couple months they were a promotional item, but are now back to being a rare?

The Drunk Man's Singing Ball etc. is a good example of this. I didnt bother to check if the items are still being offered. I know there are alot of grey areas when it comes to this kind of stuff. And alot of people (including myself) would be happy if no UO store items were sold on the forums.
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Lore Keeper
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Please give us your feedback and input on the ideas above. If you have any ideas, concerns or thoughts, please post them. :)
I'm going to take you up on that! ^_^ Although I think I'm expanding the issues discussed....
Here are my thoughts;

If someone is selling a list of rare items, and they slip in a few non rare items, as long as the list comprises of mostly rares, I don't see what harm it is doing. The community can choose to bid or not bid on the non rare items.

Secondly, I think that there are some of us that frequent the rares collectors forums so often, it has become almost reflex to post things for sale or trade in here, and not in the other trade forums. As long as it does not become a habit of posting multiple threads filled with obnoxiously common items, I don't think it is hurting anything.

When someone posts a blaze cu in the rares section, it may not be an item that no longer spawns, but if someone is willing to spend 400m+ on it, it is for all intent and purposes rare and desirable.

On another note, and I mean no disrespect on this to the moderators, I know it was done with good intentions in mind. I posted a warning to our rares collector community about people running around at Luna bank asking for night sight, or a heal, and then the person who casts such a spell becomes guard whacked with the possibility of losing items. I could have posted this warning anywhere, I could have chosen to do it in another forum, but I chose to do it here in the community that I feel most at home at, with the people of UO that I care most about, and with the most to lose if they get guard whacked with a bunch of rares on them. The moderator decided that a wider audience should see my warning. The moderator moved my post over to UOHall. UO rares collectors, my intended audience, unless they checked UO hall or was on within the couple days before my post sank out of sight on this page, would not have seen my post. Also, on Uhall, the comments under my thread became so nonsensical (with comments like "it has always been that if you go grey {in felucca} and someone casts a spell on them you can get guard whacked..." ***remember I said luna*** amongst other idiocies bordering exploit talk, that my thread became locked. This defeated my entire warning, and who I wished to direct it at. What I thought would have happened had I posted in UHALL instead of the rares collector forums where I tend to find more mature individuals, (which is why I rarely enter other forums), did happen. Once again, I know that mods always have the communities best interest at heart, but perhaps we should be given a little more rights with our own choices, regarding our community forums.

Lastly, I would love to know how others in the community feel on this, and if people would be interested in such a thing, and would visit... I would love to see a general chat for UO rares collectors. Where anyone who likes collecting rares and feels a camaraderie in the rares collecting community, would go to just talk about rares and collecting, and decorating, and anything and everything.

My two cents,
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Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lastly, I would love to know how others in the community feel on this, and if people would be interested in such a thing, and would visit... I would love to see a general chat for UO rares collectors. Where anyone who likes collecting rares and feels a camaraderie in the rares collecting community, would go to just talk about rares and collecting, and decorating, and anything and everything.

My two cents,
Can I use it to show off Lanterns you dont have?

I think thatd be a cool idea


Lore Keeper
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Can I use it to show off Lanterns you dont have?

I think thatd be a cool idea
You can always donate the lanterns I don't have to my cool wonderful lantern museum!! Or at least sell them to me at a nice price ^_^


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm going to take you up on that! ^_^ Although I think I'm expanding the issues discussed....
Here are my thoughts;

If someone is selling a list of rare items, and they slip in a few non rare items, as long as the list comprises of mostly rares, I don't see what harm it is doing. The community can choose to bid or not bid on the non rare items.

Secondly, I think that there are some of us that frequent the rares collectors forums so often, it has become almost reflex to post things for sale or trade in here, and not in the other trade forums. As long as it does not become a habit of posting multiple threads filled with obnoxiously common items, I don't think it is hurting anything.

When someone posts a blaze cu in the rares section, it may not be an item that no longer spawns, but if someone is willing to spend 400m+ on it, it is for all intent and purposes rare and desirable.

On another note, and I mean no disrespect on this to the moderators, I know it was done with good intentions in mind. I posted a warning to our rares collector community about people running around at Luna bank asking for night sight, or a heal, and then the person who casts such a spell becomes guard whacked with the possibility of losing items. I could have posted this warning anywhere, I could have chosen to do it in another forum, but I chose to do it here in the community that I feel most at home at, with the people of UO that I care most about, and with the most to lose if they get guard whacked with a bunch of rares on them. The moderator decided that a wider audience should see my warning. The moderator moved my post over to UOHall. UO rares collectors, my intended audience, unless they checked UO hall or was on within the couple days before my post sank out of sight on this page, would not have seen my post. Also, on Uhall, the comments under my thread became so nonsensical (with comments like "it has always been that if you go grey {in felucca} and someone casts a spell on them you can get guard whacked..." ***remember I said luna*** amongst other idiocies bordering exploit talk, that my thread became locked. This defeated my entire warning, and who I wished to direct it at. What I thought would have happened had I posted in UHALL instead of the rares collector forums where I tend to find more mature individuals, (which is why I rarely enter other forums), did happen. Once again, I know that mods always have the communities best interest at heart, but perhaps we should be given a little more rights with our own choices, regarding our community forums.

Lastly, I would love to know how others in the community feel on this, and if people would be interested in such a thing, and would visit... I would love to see a general chat for UO rares collectors. Where anyone who likes collecting rares and feels a camaraderie in the rares collecting community, would go to just talk about rares and collecting, and decorating, and anything and everything.

My two cents,
I agree and disagree whit you on that. If person puts a few non rare item's in there auction every so often what is going to happen is other people are going to follow suit and do the same thing then eventually more and more non rare's are going to be posted.

I do remember seeing you're post about the whole guardwacking thing and i to believe that should of stayed, that was good valuable information to me that was something i didn't know and i would of been pissed if that where to happen to me and i thank you for posting that in this section. In my opinion what should of be done was to make a copy of that and posted it in the other forums. And for the UO rares collectors general chat idea that sound like a great idea and am looking forward for other peoples opinion on it.


Social Distancing Since '97
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Stratics Legend
You can always donate the lanterns I don't have to my cool wonderful lantern museum!! Or at least sell them to me at a nice price ^_^
I found a good place for them actually, its called..a trash can? I dunno, seems like a nice place


Stratics Veteran
I can only respond to the proposed idea of a general chat here. And I love the idea! I'm a chatty person by nature and if given the opportunity to ramble will do so unabashed. So as I get to know more and more of you, and you get to know more and more of you, it only seems natural that a general chat would be so greatly accepted here. We all do other things, have other hobbies (yeah, right! ;) ), and having a place to communicate these things will only bring this community closer, right?!

Also, if this new area is opened then still spawning, rarer items can get posted/sold/auctioned there and not clutter up this area!

I'm all for it! Great idea Deca!