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[Fishing] No Winter Dragon Fish :-(


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Over 7 hours of fishing in Ice Dungeon at 120 skill trying for the infamous Winter DragonFish ... only to be Blanked!

Didnt have any bait to try.. but was able to get over 100 each of the dungeon fish during this period..

Anyone else having any luck at catching one of these?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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During Beta several of us fished for hours for one of these with no luck. They seem to be incredibly hard to catch.
My fisher is stuck on 110 atm for want of a scroll, but I have a theory about bait. If I were able I'd try fishing for it with barracuda bait under the theory that any bait on the line will help. I have little basis for this theory beyond one instance of catching a stone fish with a rod thus baited.


I've caught one winter dragonfish. It took many days fishing to do so. I'm currently trying for a dungeon pike. I've pulled over 5000 dungeon fish from it's locale without success. I can haul out 185 fish per trip with my beetle and backpack. I do 2 or 3 trips a day. Been at it for 2 weeks now.

I'm also leaning towards Petra's bait theory. I think I'll try that after my next experiment. I've been fishing next to the Terathans. I crafted a new crossbow specifically for Ophidians to try their side for awhile.

Mr Bug

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Just bad luck with the RNG there, I've caught probably at least 5 or 6 winter dragonfish with no bait. But also spent many hours there and caught nothing as well. The first one I got took me about 10 hours fishing to get, it got to the point I thought they did not exist. Seems like once you get the first one they seem easier to get LOL, like anything else.


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I did another 2 hours last night after this post and still nothing.

Petra, I had the same theory on the baits... So during my long hours of trying I used Yellow Barracuda bait (about 300 baits) to no avail.

I will be back at it again today and hopefully post better results!


Seasoned Veteran
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Welp 2 hours today in Tram Ice and no luck (also used 300 baracuda baits)

Then went over to Fel side to try my luck there.... another 2 hours and no bait being used fetched me a measily ZERO winter dragon fish :-(

Have to try it out another day and see what the RNG has in it for me... now on to Tunnel Crabs and then next will be Dungeon Pike and SPider Crabs!

Wish me luck!