Yesterday I was at home, checking some loot for prospective relic fragments when a guy comes and stands on the steps. I go out and ask if I can help, and the guy asks me if I have some armor for sale... well, to cut a long story short, the guy was on the second day of his 14-day trial, and apparently a bit overwhelmed by UO's complexity.
As I had to leave in a couple minutes I couldn't even begin to teach him anything, but I figured I'd take him to New Haven, where I was hoping to find some member of HLP - too bad there was none. So, here's the question: did the guild disband, is it a simple lack of time/volunteers/whatever, or is there any other reason? Because I swear I never saw so many new players in a single day...
As I had to leave in a couple minutes I couldn't even begin to teach him anything, but I figured I'd take him to New Haven, where I was hoping to find some member of HLP - too bad there was none. So, here's the question: did the guild disband, is it a simple lack of time/volunteers/whatever, or is there any other reason? Because I swear I never saw so many new players in a single day...