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No Bushido Hiryu...


Stratics Veteran
Just trained up my old Hiryu...prob pre-publish, and no offering of Bushido...Is this a known bug?


Stratics Veteran
What a bugfest...okay, no Bushido.....I can live with that.....now after training.....my 3 slot became a 5 slot......and gimped


My lesser doesn't have Bushido on the menu either.

BUT... it did have bladeweave... and when I selected that it said I needed Bushido 500. I'm like ok... so I added it and it cost 600 (100 for the bladeweave and 500 for bushido)

Now my lesser has bushido.

Wish I had have looked to see if whirlwind was on there though before selecting bladeweave.

But now of course I cannot add any other abilities to it.... nm
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