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No better players



I've been gone from the game quite a while due to last faction nerf and have since moved on to Guild Wars 2. Playing UO for 12+ years with you guys there's something I realized while playing GW2. Simply put the pvp players in UO are by far the best without a doubt. So this is an invitation to ANY and all pvpers from UO to play GW2 with me. Don't care who you are what guild you were in or how much trash we inevitably talked to each other. If you have ever been a pvper in UO I would love to play this game with you. And just incase you're wondering who I am I'll list some characters
Konquer - Napa
Sundiata Keita - Napa
Vercingetorix - Origin
Vercingetorix - LA
Shinigami - Pac
Kalypso - Pac

The list of character names can go on forever. But anyway like I said this is to anyone who wants to form a band of UO Elite on GW2


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This probably would be better posted in OT Uhall is probably not the best choice


Been playing UO long enough to tell you the forum with the most action is UHall. So nah I think it was the best choice.


Negative, the longer I stay and watch them repeatedly break and nerf some of the most interesting aspects of that game it kills me. So I have chose to disconnect and have the way I remember the game still in my head. So without getting to much on a soap box about what they have broken in this game. I will restate the intention of my post. My intent wasn't to take people from UO. It was to see if anyone was ALSO playing GW2 because it's free to play so I figured I might as well check to see if I could possibly run with a familiar/mature group on the other game.

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think he ment that the action that occured in UO during it's PvP heyday makes other games seem bland. I fought him on many of those chars he listed and had a good time. I can relate to his sadness of the great faction nerf, it sucked.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The new direction taken by the Devs with regard to communication between players is promising and it seems like things just might change for the better soon. If you decided to move on from UO then the best of luck to you.

This is definitely not the right place for this posting and I do not care if this is where you might get the most view. Of course this is just my view so whatever.


The new direction taken by the Devs with regard to communication between players is promising and it seems like things just might change for the better soon. If you decided to move on from UO then the best of luck to you.

This is definitely not the right place for this posting and I do not care if this is where you might get the most view. Of course this is just my view so whatever.
Lol gotta love the old UO nerd hate towards other games (never quite understood it) . Ok so let me say this one more time because obviously NBG went blind when she was reading, NO ONE has to take this offer. But without a doubt GW2 will sap a few more of UO's dying breed away similar to the WoW craze. And on the chance that they see this post I'd like to keep in contact with them while we enjoy another video game (yes there are other video games out there worth playing) Yeah some will come back they usually do.. hell I might even come back some day but not in any foreseeable future. Oh and I know my attention has been directed at the flamers picus but yeah pvping against you was a blast despite all the smack talking haha.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

first, I am male.

seconds, I am a Nerd and Blind now? So since you decided to leave the game everyone that defends UO are NERDs with hate?

third, I can show you some hate and ripe you a new one if I really wished but I guess my only response to you is that are you blind and can you read?


Lol no see once again you misunderstood the entire post. And yeah I just assumed you're a female by that picture with the cute lil bandana and the crying. Oh and aren't we all kind of nerds? I mean it's only an insult if you let it be an insult.... Wow...


Purple Pony Princess
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Stratics Legend
Dudes, chill.
We're in Central, now, and we love all games here.