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NEWS NLS Newsletter #5

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Often when a mob is killed, its health bar greys out but remains onscreen and must be closed manually or when your hunting partners die, their health bar disappears and must be pulled again, hard in a crowd... Can this be changed for them to stay up?

If you have specific steps to reproduce this issue we can look at resolving the issue. Please include which client you are using, where you are fighting, which mobs you are attacking, and any other specific steps to reproduce this issue 100% of the time. From there we can look at improvements to healthbar functionality while hunting.

Great question followed by if you do our job for us we will fix it for you. I mean you will fix it for yourself, I mean we suck at our jobs! Unbelievable!!


Crazed Zealot
Lots of negative comments. At the same time they announced that 2 Val. gifts are coning up, new stuff in store, and not one but four new Global Events are in the works, plus the NL. Not fair.
Also what the OP asked for is likely not an easy thing to implement code-wise.
We all know they are not perfect, but have a heart. :next:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lets see how hard the health bars are to test. Pull up health bar of Mob. Kill mob. The grey heath bar stays.
Well that was difficult. :rolleyes:

Next one. Pull up health bar of player. Player dies. Heath bar disappears most of the time.
Difficult again.:rolleyes:

Basically the Devs do not play UO.

Why would they choose a question they cant answer anyway?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lol, wtf?
"Can we get rideable Frost Beetles and Ossein Rams?

It's more plausible with the frost beetle but the ossein ram has those pesky horns that get in the way of the riding animation. We have no current plans for a rideable version of these creatures but who knows what the future may hold!"

And yet, in Newsletter #2 (Ultima Online Newsletter #2), they said they were checking in on making them rideable.
"We were also asked to add more tamable mounts such as the Ossein Ram and Frost Mite. I've asked our artists to investigate whether we can accomplish this request with these creatures, and if everything looks good I'll let you know when you might be able to ride the mighty Ossein Ram or Frost Mite!"

King Greg

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lol, wtf?
"Can we get rideable Frost Beetles and Ossein Rams?

It's more plausible with the frost beetle but the ossein ram has those pesky horns that get in the way of the riding animation. We have no current plans for a rideable version of these creatures but who knows what the future may hold!"

And yet, in Newsletter #2 (Ultima Online Newsletter #2), they said they were checking in on making them rideable.
"We were also asked to add more tamable mounts such as the Ossein Ram and Frost Mite. I've asked our artists to investigate whether we can accomplish this request with these creatures, and if everything looks good I'll let you know when you might be able to ride the mighty Ossein Ram or Frost Mite!"
In a game where your character switches shield hand based on direction, they can't get those pesky horns to look right while you ride


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Allow clipping then? Thats fine. Change the graphic to a horse while mounted, thats ok to


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya why not make the beetle a Mount? It does no more than the other ridable beetles. Players would use them more.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is vendor search on Atlantic ever going to be reliable?

We have some updates planned for vendor search in Publish 110 that will make the messaging more informative so that every search does not come back as “Too vague…” We will also be performing maintenance on the vendor search database in Pub 110.

Translation: We are unable and unwilling to fix it. We will do some planned maintenance that is supposed to be done anyway, but can't possibly fix broken code by itself. But we will make the error messages more informative. That way you can be content in knowing the exact reason the vendor search is not working. It may prompt some of you to try different search terms, but be assured - the search will not work anyway.

Can we switch chars without retyping our password...we used to have the save password option, can it come back?

No, to protect account security we cannot allow this.

And yet, plenty of other MMOs do it. And their account security is somehow OK. Some not only allow your client to remember your password, but don't force you to log out in order to change characters. Meanwhile Pinco already implemented yet another quality of life improvement that BS is unable or unwilling to do.



Crazed Zealot
But still there is more content coming up. Unless of course .. 4 months later "we are still working on the new content". Known to happen. :hahaha:


Crazed Zealot
Actually the Rideable Ram would be an awesome pet due to its innate specials, even better than the Frost Beetle. Would make it a little more survivable, when its mana goes low, just ride it and go on. Also if the horns are on the way, make them smaller. Many more people would be using them.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with @celticus, I can't see the ram being a huge problem, just change the horns on the rideable version, nothing can look as bad as that big weird spider they made... lots of people would pay money for the ram, it's been asked for a lot.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
For as much grief as the Devs deserve for lack of communication, I think we have to give credit where credit is due as far communicating the road map for Prod Shards for the first half of this year.

Aside from the weird selection of M&G questions they gave us I think it was a pretty good newsletter. Sounds like lots of new collectibles (either deco or usable) are in the works for March between the vet rewards/black market rewards/global event rewards (hope the bone armor is usable and just not a different color).


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Lots of negative comments. At the same time they announced that 2 Val. gifts are coning up, new stuff in store, and not one but four new Global Events are in the works, plus the NL. Not fair.
Also what the OP asked for is likely not an easy thing to implement code-wise.
We all know they are not perfect, but have a heart. :next:
After they stiffed us on Christmas??? Nope... Just like grinches hearts can grow ... the rest of us can shrink ours.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Last time ppl at M&G asked about NL and they told you to watch out for the next newsletter, now there is the newsletter and it says NOTHING about NL.
It says look for a dev hangout in February. Going to be a live stream like the big announcement video a while back .
I guess the news was to big for this edition lol


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
It says look for a dev hangout in February. Going to be a live stream like the big announcement video a while back .
I guess the news was to big for this edition lol
It's probably just going to be a live stream Q&A where it's pretty informal. I don't think they will have much planned to discuss or "announce" like last year's live stream. I see it going very similar to a M&G :)

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lets see how hard the health bars are to test. Pull up health bar of Mob. Kill mob. The grey heath bar stays.
Well that was difficult. :rolleyes:

Next one. Pull up health bar of player. Player dies. Heath bar disappears most of the time.
Difficult again.:rolleyes:

Basically the Devs do not play UO.

Why would they choose a question they cant answer anyway?
They don't play, they have no idea. It happens all the time LOL, it's not a rare occurence. Just like in EC with the ghost mobs at spawns a while back, they never couid figure out what we were talking about.

Included in that list was a request for them to fix party bars from jumping all over the place...they ignored that. Guess they couldn't replicate it.

And the question about "due to dropping population/participation in artisan festival" is there any plans to lower the points required for a full tree, a simple yes or no questioin, got ignored

Picus of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is no evidence they play this game and it's been that way for 15 years. Tough luck, don't expect it to change.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
pesky horns that get in the way of the riding animation
That's really strange. Y' know, the riding boura doesn't look like the wild ones, nor does the serpentine dragon (Classic Client). They could Hellboy the horns if they don't like 'em.

*Sprinkle this post liberally with "pancake" and "omelet" and "waffle." I'd do it m'self, but I just now noticed this isn't Unleashed.

Luc of Legends

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After they stiffed us on Christmas??? Nope... Just like grinches hearts can grow ... the rest of us can shrink ours.
MalagAste, old friend, did you forget the geritol this morning? Your working on a level 10 cranky there.

Look, my sister and I are the number ONE Dev bashers around these parts.

We believe the V-Day gifts show the Devs have seen the error of their ways.

If it wasn't for this infernal Pandemic, we would have led the charge to Fairfax to "DE-GRINCHAFIE" the Dev Team.

Jirel also had this thought "2020 has been a hellish year. So many have lost people they loved, just like we lost Mama.

I would like to think that the Devs perhaps called themselves doing us a kindness by not having a gift that had 2020 stamped on it.

Maybe they thought having a reminder of 2020 would remind us of all the pain this year brought. But Hey, what do I know? I am just a dumbass

UO player -Jirel of Joiry

Look if my sister, who is a proverbial SHREW , can cut them some slack maybe we all could?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For as much grief as the Devs deserve for lack of communication, I think we have to give credit where credit is due as far communicating the road map for Prod Shards for the first half of this year.
Roadmaps tend to have a little bit more meat on them with some bullet points of key features. This is more of a teaser than a roadmap.

Newsletter said:
What's really exciting is we can now offer these collectibles based on your character's karma - so choose your actions wisely!
I love how they act like this is some great accomplishment in development. Uh... we had this in 1997 you guys either just couldn't figure it out after you took over or you broke it. No kudos for this at all


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
This is more of a teaser than a roadmap.
I consider what they gave us a roadmap because last year I consider the teaser with their "big announcement". You are right in that both should have a little more details but at this point I'll take what I can get from them lol.

I love how they act like this is some great accomplishment in development. Uh... we had this in 1997 you guys either just couldn't figure it out after you took over or you broke it. No kudos for this at all
They also had this like 8 years ago with the folded dragon wing statue we got which I believe was a white color for good karma and a red color for negative karma and again for the artisan awards where good karma received green virtues and bad karma received red anti virtues.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looking forward to the "Pirate's Life" event in March! I really enjoyed the Rising Tide event/s. Time to bring the "HMS Hungry Hippo" out of drydock. Maybe I can use those soulbinder bottles I never tossed out...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Looking forward to the "Pirate's Life" event in March! I really enjoyed the Rising Tide event/s. Time to bring the "HMS Hungry Hippo" out of drydock. Maybe I can use those soulbinder bottles I never tossed out...
i keep hoping they will make another use for those.
they didn't release the glassblowing station until after the event was over.
it was lot harder to work up the alchemist in Royal City
for buying the glass pipes... that I made lot of the ethereal soulbinders.

I didn't want to throw out the ones that didn't get filled.
they took lot of sand to make.

would be nice if they added the pumpkin cannons to the list at bucs mint.
or some nice cannons with skulls on them.
or a pirates flag for the front of the ship


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok past evidence that at least one dev played UO. I saw this with my own two beady eyes. At a em meeting Mesanna told us she finally reached a billion in in sales on her vendor. Now why would she make that up? Remember I am not her fan. Picky posters can say it was long ago and it was.
I see the Valentine's gifts as a somewhat wilted olive branch. It is a start.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looking forward to the "Pirate's Life" event in March! I really enjoyed the Rising Tide event/s. Time to bring the "HMS Hungry Hippo" out of drydock. Maybe I can use those soulbinder bottles I never tossed out...
I thought that never went away. The vendor where you can get the tritons and stuff is still there.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I thought that never went away. The vendor where you can get the tritons and stuff is still there.
Soulbinder vendor in Britain was removed though... that's where you turned those in (you might be thinking of cargo crates).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wish things would continue to be available so that I don't have to tell a newb, "Sorry, that's no longer available, you had to be there, sux to be you."

This post is going to make others wish that there were an unambiguous "thumbs down" on Stratics with which to react to posts.


Crazed Zealot
Soulbinder thingy was kind of nice. You worked at content, and fill the bottles, then got something shiny in return..of sorts anyways. I can actually see this coming back at some point, if there is enough interest at some point, but with "other" rewards maybe..


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The rewards were titles and decorative stuff from the Fellowship. I have lots of Pumpkin rowboats to sell....

Titles and this stuff should be event specific IMO.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Ok past evidence that at least one dev played UO. I saw this with my own two beady eyes. At a em meeting Mesanna told us she finally reached a billion in in sales on her vendor. Now why would she make that up? Remember I am not her fan. Picky posters can say it was long ago and it was.
I see the Valentine's gifts as a somewhat wilted olive branch. It is a start.

Because she's Mesanna and has a complex requiring her to be adored by people who kiss up? This would just further ingratiate her with those people. Mesanna always goes for the same crowd, and bragging about a billion in sales would be right up their alley.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Lets see how hard the health bars are to test. Pull up health bar of Mob. Kill mob. The grey heath bar stays.
Well that was difficult. :rolleyes:

Next one. Pull up health bar of player. Player dies. Heath bar disappears most of the time.
Difficult again.:rolleyes:

Basically the Devs do not play UO.

Why would they choose a question they cant answer anyway?
If you tell me which client at least, I'll make a vid. Anyone want to die for the video? :D


Crazed Zealot
Because she's Mesanna and has a complex requiring her to be adored by people who kiss up? This would just further ingratiate her with those people. Mesanna always goes for the same crowd, and bragging about a billion in sales would be right up their alley.
She is a Goddess of UO (or Yall) :
Ancients adore her, she was a beauty goddess of wisdom, letters, war and olive trees, also trade.
Awesome statue of her in Parthenon touted to be two story building tall 42 feet. Statue in US today Nashville, TN.
missing that gigantic shield here in this picture.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you tell me which client at least, I'll make a vid. Anyone want to die for the video? :D
I only Play CC. Just go to Balrons and pull up their bars, not using a macro. some stay some disappear.

Same with players.


Crazed Zealot
I have seen that statue, it's very impressive!
yeah..But the artist screwed up the Nashville statue's face: Looks really weird-faced and bug-eyed. The real statue as depicted by ancient artists was much more proportionate and beautiful than our statue here reportedly.


Seasoned Veteran
I had to go look for the touristy picture I snapped of her and.. yes.. maybe a little bug-eyed.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The devs said the EM events will foreshadow the events. We were looking for remnants of the fellowship in our event tonight.

I only have 3 pumpkin rowboats. I didn't like them cause they are slow. I spent most points on the recipes, have 2 of each of those.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, more crap in the store, I can’t find the part where they are sorting the RMT sellers chat abuse. It must be in there somewhere


Crazed Zealot
I had to go look for the touristy picture I snapped of her and.. yes.. maybe a little bug-eyed.

View attachment 116139
Yep..Sadly the artists fudged out the eyes big time with shape and color. The golden tunic and make-belief ivory body is ok, but the face is wrong, very chubby and those eyes are an eyesore..Also she looks like she is the 6th month of pregnancy .. lol.