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Nightmare of a nightmare


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Odd title I know. but here is the thing. I started to train my void mare and then stopped after hitting the first 100%. I just can't decide what route to go. I was, at first, thinking I'll just stick with magery and go with it. But then I got to thinking, I could go magery mastery! But then I thought, Chiv is pretty good too! Ugh, too many choices and given this is a mare that is semi rare but currently spawns, I'm really leaning towards magery or magery mastery. Thoughts?

Here is a pic of the stat page, not too bad. Seen better but still not a bad find.
Void NM1.PNG

This is a rough idea I had for the 3 rounds. This was done before the K's posted the tools for a proper planner.
Void NM2.PNG

So, it comes down to magery or magery mastery. One thing to note, this will be a "daily driver" pet. Not really planning on doing anything big with her. Just kill stuff I run across in the world that might annoy me, lol


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just leave it magery. The mastery makes it do dumb things. There's a thread somewhere about that.

Not enough points for any other magics.


Stratics Veteran
Just leave it magery. The mastery makes it do dumb things. There's a thread somewhere about that.

Not enough points for any other magics.
Yep..Sadly..Unless you can get a PP nighmare, then you could add Chiv or other magic also.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I have a post patch mare with chiv/AI. Some small compromises are needed but it is possible!

But for this mare, I don’t think I want to go the chiv/AI route. As for Magery mastery, I remember not being happy with it, once the charm of the teleport wore off. But I might still consider doing it, if some of the things got corrected, like casting protection or the pet thinking casting healing or cure is not required anymore. I’m sure Death Ray is cool but given how pets “hate” having mana, I don’t see it being used to much.
So ya, I feel like I’m talking myself into just sticking with basic, boring magery


Lore Master
I recommend leaving magery or adding magery mastery. I have a unicorn with magery mastery and I like it a lot. Sometimes she spams flame strike. Only potential downside is they sometimes cast magic reflect on themselves which temporarily decreased physical resist, but if they're fighting something that is doing elemental damage then it helps. I haven't tested it, but I think there's a good chance magery mastery does more damage than plain magery; from what I've seen they use offensive spells more often.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
It seems like my original plan is the best plan. I’ll stick with Magery and just AI.
Thanks everyone!